Jul 29

Workshop | 29. Juli 2021

2nd Workshop on Wikibase in Knowledge Graph based Research Data Management (NFDI) Projects

Logo of the Wikibase Software

Wikibase logo

"Logo of the Wikibase Software" GNU General Public License 2.0

organized by: FIZ Karlsruhe in collaboration with TIB Hannover

Date: 29. July 2021, 09:30 – 12:00 CET

In February this year, the first Workshop on Wikibase in Knowledge Graph based Research Data Management took place. Goal of the first workshop was to discuss experiences and best practices in the field of Knowledge Graph enabled research data management with Wikibase.  

An outcome of the first workshop was that Wikibase is a useful and powerful Knowledge Graph software that is of great interest for the research data community. However, it also became evident that Wikibase as it is does not yet meet all of the requirements for the use case of managing FAIR research data. This includes, but is not limited to, mass data import, use of external vocabulary and a more sophisticated access control. But what are further requirements by the interdisciplinary research data management community? What are the priorities of the community?

On July 29, 2021 NFDI4Culture would like to open up another round for discussion. The goal is to keep learning from existing Wikibase projects and to engage in discussions to work out the requirements of the community for efficiently and intuitively enabling FAIR research data management with Wikibase. During the workshop, these requirements will be discussed in three breakout sessions. Specifically, we will debate requirements for the installation and maintenance of Wikibase instances for research data projects, ontology modeling for more semantic expressivity within Wikibase as well as possibilities to upload bulk data.

We will use the resulting requirements for further discussions with the Wikimedia foundation about the future of Wikibase. Our goal will be to enable Wikibase as a community-driven tool for the development and maintenance of large-scale research-oriented knowledge graphs for research data management.

We invite all researchers and data managers from NFDIs that are already funded or that are in the planning or application phase. Whether you already have finalised concepts for a knowledge graph or are just starting to think about linked data for your research management, this is the place to discuss your plans with Wikibase, your requirements and expectations towards the Wikibase software.

Please register until July 26, 2021 using the following form:


Please distribute this workshop announcement also among NFDI co-applicants and partners as well as your project partners and colleagues!


Preliminary Program:
09:30 - 09:40:     Welcome
09:40 - 10:15      Invited Talks
- RaiseWikibase (Renat Shigapov, UB Mannheim)
- GND meets Wikibase (Thomas Bauer, DNB)
- The ArtBase Wikibase and updated query service (Dragan Espenschied, Rhizome)

10:15 – 10:30    Q&A after the talks
10:30 – 10:40    Break and time to split into breakout rooms
10:40 - 11:30     Breakout sessions: group discussions about Wikibase requirements
11:30 - 12:00     Wrap-up und Closing