Registry for Research Tools & Data Services

The registry is a service that gathers and records metadata about existing research tools and data services which are specifically suitable for cultural studies. It provides an easy overview and should prevent both parallel and duplicate developments and efforts.


16 Items

Data Portal


The Archivportal-D is a sub-portal of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek and offers a comprehensive search for both archives and archival holdings. It contains adresses and information on around 2,500...

Related domains:

Data Repository – ART-Books – ART-Books is the free, open access publication platform of for scholarly e-books in the fields of art history, photography and design. Both first publications and...

Supported Research Activities:

Data Portal

art journals – Illustrated art and satire periodicals

Heidelberg University Library holds an extensive collection of historical art and satirical journals. Since 2015, these have been continuously digitiszed, so that currently around 370 journals are...

Data Portal


bavarikon is the portal of the Free State of Bavaria for the presentation of art, culture and stocks of knowledge from Bavarian institutions. Archives, libraries and museums are involved as well as...

Data Portal

Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe – Digital Edition

The Carl Maria von Weber Gesamtausgabe has the goal of presenting all of Carl Maria von Weber's compositions, letters, diaries, and writings in a complete scholarly-critical edition by the 200th...

Related domains:


Data Portal

CbDD – Corpus of Baroque Ceiling Painting in Germany

The Corpus of Baroque Ceiling Painting in Germany researches and publishes ceiling and wall painting from the period between about 1550 and 1800 in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. A...

Data Portal

Collections from Colonial Contexts

The portal offers central access to Collections from Colonial Contexts. As subportal of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library) it aggregates data of 25 institutions and makes them...

Related domains:

Data Portal

Data portal of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

The ongoing evolving collection of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin consists of more than 30 million objects and includes for instance dinosaur bones, historical documents, taxidermies and meteorites....

Data Portal

Deutsches Zeitungsportal

The Deutsches Zeitungsportal (German Newspaper Portal) contains over 3,000,000 digitised historical newspapers from German cultural and knowledge institutions. It is a sub-portal of the Deutsche...

Related domains:

Data Portal

Freischütz Digital

The Freischütz Digital – Paradigmatic Implementation of an Authentic Digital Edition Concept projectfunded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF, Federal Ministry of Education and...

Related domains:

Data Portal

Linked Stage Graph

Linked Stage Graph is a knowledge graph that was developed as part of the Coding da Vinci Süd 2019 hackathon. The graph is based on a data set of black and white photographs and metadata about the Stu...


Data Portal

RISM Catalog

The online catalog of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) is a collection of music manuscripts and printed music for the time between 1600 and 1800, being the most comprehensive...

Related domains:


Data Portal

RISM Online

RISM Online, a service by RISM Digital, provides access to the musical sources of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales through extensive search and browse functions. Multiple entry...

Related domains:


Data Repository

TIB AV-Portal

The TIB AV-Portal is a portal for scientific videos focusing on technology as well as architecture, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. The videos include computer visualisations,...

Supported Research Activities:




Web application originally created for the digital edition of Webers letters and texts, now open for other projects.

Related domains:



Generic webservice to extract RDF statements from XML resources.
