Capture & Enrichment
Data capture and enrichment of digital cultural assets
Our community ranges from digitisation centres and other experienced members with a strong focus on multimedia digitisation and methods, to research projects which have only just begun to apply data capture and enrichment for scholarly work.
We bring these interests groups together by establishing a scholarly forum on digital representations of cultural assets. Amongst other measures, this forum will feature events in regular intervals, introductory as well as in-depth workshop discussions and working groups. Community members with similar ideas, challenges and requests will thereby have an opportunity to exchange their experiences, establish new contacts or simply get inspired by new developments.
The extent to which digital representations meet the demands of the scholarly community is already influenced from the point at which the data and corresponding metadata begin to be produced. Our goal is to support researchers in identifying their needs and in choosing the appropriate procedures at all stages of the digitisation process, while also taking into account relevant requirements like interoperability and reusability. In order to respond to and forward upcoming specific requests, we will support our community by establishing a consulting agency.
In addition, we would like to find out more about the main pathways of digital cultural objects, from digitisation via enrichment to reuse. In close exchange with the NFDI4Culture stakeholders and digitisation centres, we will identify the state of the art when it comes to the digitisation of cultural assets, new developments and needs for further standardisation. Survey results and additional data as well as overarching trends will be closely analysed and reported to the community on a regular basis.
One of our goals is to establish a modular, reusable tool set for granular, easily accessible web-based data annotation, which supports multiple layers of annotations for automatic/collaborative data enrichment and follows web annotation standards. Our focus lies on supporting collaboration between expert groups, mostly by complementing media viewers and metadata display in Wikibase and similar environments with additional user annotation elements.
Research Outputs
Use Cases
- Comprehensive consulting: How the NFDI4Culture Helpdesk supports research data management at the Berlin University of the Arts
- Gutenberg goes Culture: How the Gutenberg Museum benefits from NFDI4Culture's expertise and offerings during its digitization campaign
- Creative Collaboration Opens New Dimensions in Research: The Cross-NFDI Hackathon 2022
Publications, Slides, Blogposts, etc.
- Guideline: DFG-Praxisregeln "Digitalisierung". Aktualisierte Fassung 2022.
- Presentation: Semantic annotation for 3D cultural artefacts: MVP
- Conference Poster: Beyond the render silo: semantically annotating 3D data within an integrated knowledge graph and 3D-rendering toolchain
- Abstract: How to semantically annotate 3D models of non-textual cultural heritage? A new FOSS toolchain for the Digital Humanities
- Guideline: DFG Practical Guidelines on Digitisation. Updated version 2022. English Version.
- Conference Paper: Kultur – Daten – Kuratierung Was speichern wir und wozu?
- Conference Paper: Beyond the render silo – semantically annotating 3D data within an integrated knowledge graph and 3D-rendering toolchain
- Conference Poster: NFDI4Culture Ukraine Helpdesk Poster
- Conference Poster: Semantic Kompakkt: Semantically annotating 3D data within an integrated knowledge graph and 3D-rendering toolchain
- Presentation: 3D Heritage Data Interaction and Enrichment
- Blog Post: Some things we care about for NFDI4Culture – Or: We want better tools and workflows for annotating images and 3D models!
- Research Paper: Digitalisierung des Kulturellen und digitale Arbeitskultur im Forschungsverbund NFDI4Culture. Community-Arbeit an, durch und mit fachspezifischen Datenkorpora und Elementen der FDM-Infrastruktur