Standards, Quality & Curation
Standards, data quality and curation
In close coordination with the involved academic experts and research communities, we identify and prioritise existing deficits with regard to sustainable data quality. In regular forum events, we discuss, focus, and evaluate the ongoing activities of the task area. Together with experts and the NFDI4Culture community, we formulate requirements for the standardisation and curation of cultural data and develop proposals for improving the related quality management.
In addition to criteria for measuring the quality of research data, we design quality assurance guidelines for both data producers and providers, based on an ethically responsible handling of data (e.g. following the CARE principles in the context of indigenous cultures). The focus is on implementing the FAIR principles, developing recommendations for working with ontologies and reference models, and evaluating ways to check and improve the FAIRness of data. At the same time, the FAIR roadmap will be continuously adapted to the needs of researchers and other user communities.
The FAIR-Clearing Agency serves as a support and consulting centre that promotes the application of quality standards for research data. We advise researchers as well as data providers who may have different needs and levels of experience, regarding quality and standards at every stage of the data life cycle. This includes support particularly during the planning phase of a project, around the selection and implementation of appropriate standards and strategies, and during the preparation of data management plans. In addition, data sets of limited reusability that are nevertheless relevant to large user groups should be transformed into more sustainable and accessible offerings.
In close collaboration with researchers, we engage in the further development of existing data formats, data standards, and specialised vocabularies for scholarly use. Our initial focus lies on authority records for (multimedia) works of art and musisal works, the documentation format MEI and the exchange format for object-related data in the material cultural heritage sector, LIDO, as well as modelling concepts for event related data and vocabularies in the performing arts. Another priority is the development of a good practice procedure for enriching internationally recognised expert vocabularies from local terminologies (such as the Art and Architecture Thesaurus / AAT). Here as well, we aim to increase the transdisciplinary interoperability, interlinking, and accessibility of research data from the disciplines addressed by NFDI4Culture.
Our main goal ist to develop standards and quality criteria for an ethically responsible implementation of the FAIR principles in close exchange with the other core areas within the consortium (e.g. data capture, data services and research tools, data publication and long term archiving, opportunities for data related training). As a cross-cutting topic, the FAIR activities will also be a matter of exchange and coordination with other NFDI consortia.
Research Outputs
Consortial Services
Publications, Slides, Blogposts, etc.
- Guideline: DFG-Praxisregeln "Digitalisierung". Aktualisierte Fassung 2022.
- Policy Document: Open Access Policy Ein Leitfaden für Kulturerbe-Einrichtungen in Hessen
- Book: LIDO-Handbuch für die Erfassung und Publikation von Metadaten zu kulturellen Objekten: Band 2: Malerei und Skulptur
- Presentation: Lightning Talk: Datenmodelle für Aufführungsdaten der darstellenden Kunst und Musik
- Presentation: There are a million ways to describe the world - How to share your authority without losing control
- Conference Poster: Datenmanagementpläne in NFDI4Culture
- Guideline: DFG Practical Guidelines on Digitisation. Updated version 2022. English Version.
- Conference Poster: Die FAIR-Prinzipien für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten [Poster]
- Conference Poster: Die FlexFunds im Aufgabenbereich "Forschungswerkzeuge und Datendienste" der NFDI4Culture
- Presentation: How to Define the Quality of Data and Data Models? A Perspective from the Cultural Heritage Domain
- Conference Poster: Der NFDI4Culture Helpdesk – ein Beratungsangebot für die Kulturwissenschaften
- Workshop Proceedings: Werknormdaten der Musik – Bibliotheken und Wissenschaft im Gespräch
- Blog Post: MiniCon – Werknormdaten der Musik
- Workshop Proceedings: gndcon-2021-gnd
- Proposition: Sektionskonzept Meta(daten), Terminologien und Provenienz zur Einrichtung einer Sektion im Verein Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.
- Research Paper: Digitalisierung des Kulturellen und digitale Arbeitskultur im Forschungsverbund NFDI4Culture. Community-Arbeit an, durch und mit fachspezifischen Datenkorpora und Elementen der FDM-Infrastruktur
- Article: RADAR4Culture: Ein Repositorium für Forschungsdaten zu materiellen und immateriellen Kulturgütern
- Article: Einblicke in das Beratungsangebot zu Forschungsdaten des NFDI4Culture Helpdesk