Tools & Services
Research tools and data services
To establish sustainable software development and operation practices, NFDI4Culture supports scholars and institutions on a variety of levels. For instance, as part of the NFDI4Culture Helpdesk, the Software Consulting Agency provides assistance regarding subject-specific requirements within the NFDI4Culture community in conjunction with the development, consolidation, operation, and certification of sustainable, interoperable research tools and data services on the basis of the FAIR principles. Accordingly, a strategy for the long-term availability of research software and services is being developed and applied.
The Software Consulting Agency itself benefits from the knowledge and advice of the expert forum "Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture". The forum is a group of software developers, academic experts and representatives from research organisations and infrastructure institutions, who meet twice a year to discuss sustainable software development in the context of NFDI4Culture and to find strategies for promoting and establishing the topic across the cultural heritage field. The forum is organised by staff of NFDI4Culture, its members however are external experts from the wider community. The members of the expert forum are:
Felix Bach (KIT-SCC, Karlsruhe)
Alexander Czmiel (BBAW, Berlin)
Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (Universität Rostock)
Daniel Jettka (Universität Paderborn)
Anne Klammt (Hannah-Arendt-Institut, TU Dresden)
Claes Neuefeind (CCeH/IDH, Universität zu Köln)
Anna Neovesky (IGdJ, Hamburg)
Daniel Nüst (TU Dresden, de-RSE)
Gudrun Oevel (IMT, Universität Paderborn)
Laurent Pugin (RISM CH, Bern)
Matthias Razum (FIZ Karlsruhe)
Torsten Roeder (Leopoldina Akademie, Halle)
Georg Schelbert (Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, HU Berlin)
Martina Scholger (ZiM/ACDH, Universität Graz)
Zoe Schubert (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, TIB Hannover)
The development of a registry of existing tools and data services for the research on material and immaterial cultural assets serves two main purposes. Firstly, it provides an easily accesible overview of relevant offers. And secondly, it enables researchers to access these solutions. This approach should, for instance, prevent parallel software developments and duplications. All included metadata will be issued under a CC0 licence while all tools and services will receive a unique identifier to enable referencing. Finally, a step-by-step certification process will be implemented for the registry offerings.
Another important goal is the further (and potentially new) development of specific, needs-based research tools and data services, which are to be provided due to their high relevance for an extended circle of users and beyond their original (and time-limited) project context. Within the framework of the expert forum "Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture", the needs of the communities are identified and suggestions for funding of particular measures are developed, evaluated and proposed.
The flex funds are intended for direct distribution to the community. In the area of "Research Tools and Data Services", an annual public community forum on the "Further Development of Research Tools & Data Services in NFDI4Culture" is organised. In consultation with researchers from the various disciplines, the needs of the community are identified and proposals for research funding are discussed.
Over a period of four years, a total of approximately €400,000 will be distributed to the NFDI4Culture communities through the annual forum on the "Further Development of Research Tools & Data Services", thus promoting user-oriented and sustainable software development.
Research Outputs
Consortial Services
- CollAna
- meico
- MEIGarage
- iART
- WissKI – Wissenschaftliche Kommunikations-Infrastruktur
- Kompakkt.Viewer
- OpenRefine
- pandora
- Mirador 3 – Adapted User Interface-Plugin
- Mirador 3 – Advanced Annotations-Plugin
- Mirador 3 – Resource List-Plugin
- Kompakkt.Server
- Kompakkt.Repo
- ConedaKOR
- TOSCA Modelling Tool
- 4D Community Browser
- CVMA Digital Resource Manager
- mei-friend MEI Editor
- WissKICloud
- Linking Data einfacher gemacht
Publications, Slides, Blogposts, etc.
- Presentation: Nachhaltige Software-Entwicklung als Thema der NFDI und in Rechenzentren
- Presentation: Nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung in NFDI4Culture
- Presentation: Beurteilung von Forschungssoftware in NFDI4Culture
- Conference Poster: From OxGarage to TEIGarage and MEIGarage. Poster presented at the TEI Conference and Members' Meeting 2022 at Newcastle.
- Conference Poster: 5 Schritte zu nachhaltiger(er) Software
- Guideline: ConedaKOR documentation
- : Die Registry für Forschungswerkzeuge und Datendienste innerhalb von NFDI4Culture
- Conference Paper: Kultur – Daten – Kuratierung Was speichern wir und wozu?
- Presentation: Nachhaltige Forschungssoftware und Forschungsdaten im Kulturbereich
- Poster Paper: Support for Sustainable and Interoperable Research Tools and Data Services
- Blog Post: NFDI4Culture Expert:innen-Forum „Nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung“
- Blog Post: 3. NFDI4Culture Expert:innen-Forum „Nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung“: Beurteilung von Forschungssoftware
- Blog Post: 4. Expert:innenforum „Nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung in NFDI4Culture“: Professionalisierung in der Entwicklung von Forschungssoftware
- Blog Post: 5. Expert:innenforum „Nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung in NFDI4Culture”: Institutionelle Professionalisierung – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven
- Article: Bringing researchers together with IIIF. In: Art Libraries Journal, Vol. 49, Issue 1, January 2024, pp. 37-43

Expert Working Group Forum
6th meeting of the Expert Forum "Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture“

Expert Working Group Forum
5th meeting of the Expert Forum "Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture“

Expert Working Group
4th meeting of the Expert Forum "Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture“

Expert Working Group
Third meeting of the Expert Forum "Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture“

Expert Working Group