Technical, Ethical & Legal

Overarching technical, ethical and legal activities

Our main objective is to guarantee a permanent and comprehensive technical infrastructure for the entire consortium which is closely intertwined with the legal and data-ethical aspects. The manifold research data collections of material and immaterial cultural assets will be combined into an overarching knowledge graph. In addition, the tools and services NFDI4Culture consortium offers to the community will be connected and made available via the Culture web portal.

At the same time, diverse ethical and legal issues for researchers and institutions that provide, manage or use data are to be taken into account. Material and immaterial cultural assets are subject to specific and sometimes complex legal circumstances which they pass on to the digital data that has been generated from them. We will provide support to the research community in the present while working towards future legislation that will be better tailored to existing needs.

Persons Research Outputs

Research Outputs

Publications, Slides, Blogposts, etc.

  1. Report: First User Research Workshop on Terminology Services in NFDI4Culture
  2. Position Paper: NFDI comments on the EU Data Act
  3. Position Paper: NFDI comments on the draft implementing regulation concerning the availability of public data sets
  4. Position Paper: Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf für eine Verordnung zur Nutzung nicht verfügbarer Werke
  5. Position Paper: NFDI Stellungnahme zum Daten-Governance-Gesetz
  6. Position Paper: NFDI Stellungnahme zur öffentlichen Konsultation zum Forschungsdatengesetz
  7. Guideline: RADAR4Culture: Handreichung zu personenbezogenen Daten [deutsch]
  8. Abstract: Knowledge Graphs (and Wikibase) for Research Data Management in NFDI4Culture
  9. Presentation: Wikibase and the challenges and possibilities of knowledge graphs for RDM in NFDI4Culture
  10. Presentation: From Floppy Disks to 5-Star LOD: FAIR Research Infrastructure for NFDI4Culture
  11. Presentation: Knowledge Graph-basierte Forschungsdatenintegration in NFDI4Culture
  12. Conference Paper: Knowledge Graph-basierte Forschungsdatenintegration in NFDI4Culture
  13. Conference Paper: From Floppy Disks to 5-Star LOD: FAIR Research Infrastructure for NFDI4Culture
  14. Conference Poster: Wikibase4Research: Free and open source suite of tools for the storage and management of Linked Open Data (LOD)
  15. Conference Paper: The Case for a Common, Reusable Knowledge Graph Infrastructure for NFDI
  16. Conference Paper: Knowledge Graph Based RDM Solutions
  17. Poster Paper: WissKI Viewer. Casual Access for WissKI Data Sets
  18. Research Paper: NFDI4Culture: Forschungsdaten in den Kulturwissenschaften. In: Tipping Points
  19. Blog Post: TIB at WikidataCon: Part 1. Reflecting on questions of sustainability, growing the ecosystem of decentralized data repositories and ensuring knowledge equity
  20. Blog Post: TIB at WikidataCon: Part 2. Focus on TIB’s conference contribution
  21. Proposition: Sektionskonzept Meta(daten), Terminologien und Provenienz zur Einrichtung einer Sektion im Verein Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.
  22. Proposition: Sektionskonzept Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects (section-ELSA)
  23. : Sustainable community building with the Wikibase Stakeholder Group – presentation at FOSDEM 2022
  24. Blog Post: SUCHO x NFDI4Culture: eine Kollaboration zur Rettung des ukrainischen Kulturerbes
  25. Conference Proceedings: Open refine to wikibase: a new data upload pipeline
  26. Research Paper: Digitalisierung des Kulturellen und digitale Arbeitskultur im Forschungsverbund NFDI4Culture. Community-Arbeit an, durch und mit fachspezifischen Datenkorpora und Elementen der FDM-Infrastruktur
  27. Blog Post: Examining Wikidata and Wikibase in the context of research data management applications
  28. Blog Post: Wikidata and Wikibase as complementary research services for cultural heritage data
  29. Workshop Proceedings: Wikidata and Wikibase as complementary research data management services for cultural heritage data
  30. Grant Application: KGI4NFDI: Knowledge Graph Infrastructure for the German National Research Data Infrastructure
  31. Presentation: What's Cooking in the NFDI4Culture Kitchen? A KG-based Research Data Integration Workflow.

