Forum | 17. June 2021
CRDA Forum 2021 – Research data management as part of academic teaching

Lecture Hall
"An empty lecture hall" Creator: Nathan Dumalo, Owner: Nathan Dumalo
Within NFDI4Culture, the Cultural Research Data Academy, as an interdisciplinary and decentralized institution, will bundle and itself develop subject-specific and demand-oriented education and training opportunities in the field of data and code literacy. In order to promote these topics on a broad basis in our community and to establish them in the long term as an integral part of academic work in the disciplines of the culture community, NFDI4Culture believes that this topic area should be integrated into academic training at an early stage. For this reason, this year's forum of the Cultural Research Data Academy asks about the current and future ebedding of the topic in academic training.
Research data management as part of academic teaching in the culture community
The event, which will take place on June 17 and 18, 2021 as a digital lunch-to-lunch format (Lunch to Lunch: Thursday afternoon and Friday morning), is intended as an open workshop in which actors from the culture community will present various formats and forms in which the topic of research data management has already found its way into teaching or should do so. Together with all participants, we would also like to address the potentials, challenges and problems in this area and thus identify support possibilities through NFDI4Culture and pose the question of whether the culture community needs an interdisciplinary competence framework for training in the area of research data management and what this could look like.
June 17, 2021
12:45–1:00 p.m. Welcome
1:00–2:10 p.m. Panel 1: Building on experience and infrastructure
- Dr. Elisabeth Böker, Project for monitoring and further development of research data management in Baden-Württemberg (bw2FDM), University of Konstanz
- Patrick Helling M. A., Data Center for the Humanities (DCH), University of Cologne
- Dipl.-Inf. Katarzyna Biernacka, HEADT-Centre – Research Integrity and Privacy, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Discussion
2:10–2:30 p.m. Break
2:30–3:40 p.m. Panel 2: Synergies and interdisciplinary offers I
- Prof. Dr. Peter Niedermüller, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Jun.-Prof. Dr. habil. Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz
- Dr. Dennis Mischke, BMBF-Project Forschen | Lernen – Digital (FoLD), University of Potsdam
- Dipl.-Kulturwiss. Julia Röttgermann, Trier Center for the Humanities, University of Trier
- Discussion
3:40–4:00 p.m. Break
4:00–5:15 pm Discussion: Do we need a competence framework for RDM-training in the Culture Community?
7:00–9:00 p.m. Virtual Get-Together
June 18, 2021
9:30–10:40 a.m. Panel 3: Synergies and interdisciplinary offers II
- Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth, Information Sciences, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Vivien Petras, Institute for Library and Information Science, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Dr. Andreas Hütig and Lennart Linde M. A., Studium generale of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Seibert, Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology, Karlsruhe Music College
- Discussion
10:40–11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Panel 4: Discipline- and media-specific teaching approaches
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner, Institute for Media Studies, University of Paderborn
- Dr. Nora Probst, Theater Studies Collection of the University of Cologne
- Dr. Harald Klinke, Institute for Art History, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- Discussion
12:30–13:00 p.m. Wrap-Up