Forum | 17. November 2022
Forum Data Publication and Availability #5: Persistent Identifiers

Yellow Arrow LED Signage
"Display with yellow LED arrows pointing to the right" CC0 Creator: Isaque Pereira
The next forum of task area "Data Publication and Availability" (Task Area 4) focuses on the topic Persistent Identifiers (PIDs). A persistent identifier is a permanent and unique reference to a digital resource, thereby making it findable and citable. In this event, we would like to provide an overview of different identifiers and discuss in which way they are suitable for repositories, data services and image archives within the Culture community. We would further like to encourage a conversation about increasing external transparency by establishing good practice.
The forum on 17th November 2022, 9am – 2.30pm is aimed at providers as well as users of publication and data services. It will offer lightning talks about the PIDs currently in use for different services. In addition, we invite external operators and initiatives with expertise in the area of permanent identification for digital research data and research outputs to present their solutions.
9.00–9.15am Welcome and Housekeeping
9.15–9.45am Robert Ulrich (KIT): Einführung Persistent Identifiern und re3data
9.45–10.15am Paul Vierkant (DataCite): DataCite
10.15–10.45am Philipp Wieder (GWDG): ePIC
10.45–11.00am Break
11.00–11.30am Uta Ackermann and Stephanie Palek (DNB): URN
11.30am–12.00pm Janete Saldanha Bach (GESIS): KonsortSWD (PID-offering da|ra Service)
12.00–12.30pm Desiree Mayer (SLUB Dresden) and Melanie Gruß (University of Leipzig) (NFDI4Culture, TA2): PIDs in standard data
12.30pm–1.00pm Break
1.00–2.00pm Discussion with repositories, data services and image archives across the Culture community
2.00–2.30pm Wrap-up
This event will take place online.The registration is closed. Thank you for your participation. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via coordination-office(at)nfdi4culture(dot)de.
Best wishes
Team Data Publication and Availability (Task Area 4) at the Saxon State and University Library Dresden, Heidelberg University Library and FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure