Conference Expert Working Group | 07. March 2022
NFDI InfraTalk with Prof. Dr. Ina Blümel, Dr. Lozana Rossenova, Prof. Dr. Harald Sack

"Logo graphics of the German National Research Data Infrastructure Association (NFDI)." Owner: Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur e.V.
Our Task Area 5 has been working on creating a knowledge graph of cultural data. Now they present their current work status in the coming NFDI InfraTalk on the topic of "Wikibase and the challenges and possibilities of knowledge graphs for RDM in NFDI4Culture". Ina Blümel, Lozana Rossenova and Harald Sack will share use-cases and explain how they are using Wikibase to enrich non-textual cultural data with semantic annotations. There will be also an outlook for the Culture Knowledge Graph development and the possibilities that KGs offer for research data management.
The talk will be streamed in YouTube at 4pm.