Plenary | 17. November 2021
Second Culture Community Plenary
Dear Culture Community,
almost half a year has passed sind our last Culture Community Plenary in February 2021. After this successfull kick-off event where everyone got to know each other, we have done a lot of work in the consortium: The task areas have hosted their first forum events with the community and have started to offer a range of services like the helpdesks. Now, we would like to get together again to strengthen the collaboration between NFDI4Culture and all participating people and organisations. Therefore we invite you to:
2nd Culture Community Pleanry, 17-19th November 2021 (virtually)
Registration for the public parts on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th November (open for 300 participants).
Workshop registration (Places are limited):
"How to use Wikibase, OpenRefine and Linked Data" Details Registration closed
"NFDI4Culture Kickstarter Demo" Details Registration closed
"Next Generation Books: Mapping workflows and tool sets" Details Registration closed
Wednesday, 17.11. – HANDS-ON-DAY
Workshops 3-6 pm
Lozana Rossenova and Lucia Sohmen, Technische Informationsbibliothek (Hannover):
BYOD workshop (Bring your own dataset) – How to use Wikibase, OpenRefine and Linked Data / English
This workshop aims to help researchers and data managers with making their datasets compatible with linked data. Participants will work with their own datasets and learn how to use OpenRefine to transform their data and Wikibase to store their data. This workshop is organized by NFDI4Culture and is part of our efforts to establish a Linked Open Data Working Group within the consortium and the community.
Registration is closed.
More info:
Jonathan Geiger and Jonathan Gammert, Academy for Sciences and Literature | Mainz:
NFDI4Culture Kickstarter Demo / German
The NFDI4Culture consortium sees itself as an enabling infrastructure - the Kickstarter is a central component of this with a focus on networking, knowledge and experience exchange, innovation management and consulting services regarding research funding programs. At the CCP, the Kickstarter offers a short demonstration of its services on a small scale in the form of a workshop. As an example, the ideation process for a new research project will be run through with the participants, including the development, evaluation and revision of ideas. The workshop will be held in cooperation with the CDMD and Team Helpdesk.
More info:
Lambert Heller and Simon Worthington, Technische Informationsbibliothek (Hannover):
Next Generation Books: Mapping workflows and tool sets / English
A workshop to examine the new types of books being made and their workflows — single source, computational, and collabortive: the technologies, levels of digitization, collaborative working practice, the motivations, current challenges, and learning from book history. The workshop would bring together different perspective: collection management and curation, technology platforms, and book series publishers. A series of presentations will be made by 'work-in-progress' productions. The output of the workshop would be a mapping of workflow and tools issues for archives, collections, and scholars. This mapping would then feed into later 'book dashes' for a guide of 'workflows and tools' to be published by the GenR the open science communities platform.
More info:
Hang out 6 pm
NFDI4Culture Community and friends
Get together in, let's connect, give a heads up or hang out together.
The link to our wonder-me enviroment will be sent with the registration details.
You didn't get a message? Please get in touch with coordination-office(at)nfdi4culture(dot)de !
Thursday, 18.11. – CONSORTIUM DAY
Reports by Task Areas 9 am –2:20 pm
Report of the Spokesperson
Report on the Culture Information Portal
Report on the Culture Helpdesk
(Coffee break)
Report of the Task Area Governance and Administration
Report of the Culturral Research Data Academy
Report of the Task Area Ethical and Legals Aspects
Report on the Knowledge Graph
(Lunch break)
Report of the Task Area Data Publication and Data Availability
Report of the Task Area Research Tools and Data Services
Report of the Task Area Standards, Data Quality and Curation
Report of the Task Area Data Capture and Enrichment of digital cultural assets
(Coffee break)
Break Out Basar 2:35 – 4 pm
The teams and co-spokespersons of each task area are happy to discuss your questions, past achievements and future goals in seperate zoom break out rooms.
Friday, 19.11. – COMMUNITY DAY
Welcome 9:45 - 9:55 am
Welcome, introduction and technical notes.
Lightning Talks 10 -11:15 am
Room Tools
Maximilian Nöth, Zentrum für Philologie und Digitalität (ZPD), Universität Würzburg:
Flexibles, skalierbares und nachhaltiges Arbeiten mit kulturellen Forschungsdaten im Semantic MediaWI / D
Sonja Thiel, Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe:
Kuratieren mit Künstlicher Intelligenz / D
David Rittershaus, Hochschule Mainz,
(Automatisierte) Annotation im Tanz: das #vortanz-Projekt und die aktuelle Tool-Entwicklung von Motion Bank / D
Room Data
Frederik Elwert, Jessie Pons, Serena Autiero, Cristiano Moscatelli, Ruhr-Universität Bochum:
Digitalisierung des buddhistischen Erbes Pakistans: Das DiGA-Projekt / D
Monique Bellan, Nadia von Maltzahn, Orient-Institut Beirut/Max Weber Stiftung, Bonn:
LAWHA – Forschungsdaten zu Kunst in und aus dem Libanon / D
Katja Kaiser & Catarina Madruga, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin:
How do we identify and tag objects from colonial contexts? – A Decision Tree for the Collection at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin / e
Room Understanding
Timo Homburg, Hubert Mara, Kai-Christian Bruhn, i3mainz - Institut für Raumbezogene Informations- und Messtechnik an der Hochschule Mainz:
Rich and sustainable Annotations on 3D-Objects / D
Frederike Neuber, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Die geisteswissenschaftliche NFDI-Community bekommt Zuwachs:
Einblicke in den Start von Text+ /D
Presentations 11:30-12:30 am
Room Tools
Anja Gerber (CVMA), Gordon Fischer (TELOTA), Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften:
CVMA Foto Manager - ein Open-Source-Metadateneditor für die Erschließung von Bilddaten / D
Stefanie Schneider, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, LMU München:
Find What You’re (Not) Looking For: Die multimodale Suchmaschine „iART“ / D
Room Data
Ersin Mihçi, Universität Münster:
Kritische Editionen vorderorientalischer Musikhandschriften – das Projekt "Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae" / D
Fabio Mariani, Leuphana University Lüneburg:
Modern Migrants - Provenance Studies at Leuphana / e
Room Understanding
Andreas Noback, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek,
Der Fachinformationsdienst (FID) BAUdigital - Eine Plattform für die Wissenschaft in Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik
Julia Beck, Fachinformationsdienst Darstellende Kunst/ Universitätsbibliothek J.C. Senckenberg; Sara Tiefenbacher Mediathekenprojekt / UB Universitätsbibliothek J.C. Senckenberg; Franziska Voß, Fachinformationsdienst Darstellende Kunst/ UB Universitätsbibliothek J.C. Senckenberg; Klaus Illmayer, Institut für Theater Film und Medienwissenschaft / Universität Wien; Christine Henniger, Internationales Theaterinstitut/ Mediathek für Tanz und Theater; Maxim Wittenbecher, Internationales Theaterinstitut Deutschland / Mediathek für Tanz und Theater:
Digital vernetzen und nachhaltig verzeichnen_Audiovisuelle Ressourcen und Ereignisse im Bereich Darstellende Kunst
Closing Discussion 12:30 am - 1 pm
Bringing it all together: people, impressions, opinions, doings.
Non-public meetings during the Culture Community Plenary
The Culture Steering Board will meet from 2 - 6 pm.