Jun 10
Alte Holzwaage

Alte Holzwaage

"Alte Holzwaage, 1925/1945" Creator: Max Nowak, Owner: Deutsche Fotothek

In our symposium, we shed light on copyright issues from the fields of cultural heritage, science, research data infrastructure, and free licenses. The team of the NFDI4Culture Legal Helpdesk, launched in 2021, will present initial work results and offers of assistance for cultural studies. We will also talk about the recently passed copyright reform. In addition, we will look beyond our own horizons and ask: What can a science-friendly copyright law look like in the future?




Chair: Franziska Boehm and Sarah Pittroff
Concept and organisation: Fabian Rack

Part 1: 13:00 - 14:45 pm

13:00 pm: Welcome

13:10 pm: Geschichte des Urheberrechts: Warum stehen wir, wo wir stehen?

Grischka Petri (FIZ Karlsruhe/NFDI4Culture) wirft einen Blick in die Vergangenheit. Wissenschaft und Urheberrecht: Geschichte einer unvermeidlichen Interaktion.

13:30 pm: Sensible Kulturgüter – NFDI4Culture und Ethik

Dörte Schmidt (UdK Berlin) reports from the Cultural Advisory Board of NFDI4Culture, which is dedicated to ethical questions concerning sensitive cultural assets (details tba.)

14:00 pm: Podium aus Recht und Praxis: Nutzen und Teilen für die Kulturwissenschaften

What legal conditions do cultural studies find in the sharing and reuse of intangible cultural assets? What is changing with the recent reform of copyright law? And: Will GLAM make use of these regulations? Felicitas Kleinkopf (Center for Applied Legal Studies, Karlsruhe) and Christian Bracht (Bildarchiv Foto Marburg) provide impulses. Hosted by Thomas Hartmann (FIZ Karlsruhe).

14:45 - 15:00 pm: Break

Part 2: 15:00 - 17:00 pm

15:00 Uhr: Der Legal Help Desk bei NFDI4Culture

Grischka Petri, Oliver Vettermann, and Franziska Boehm (all FIZ Karlsruhe/NFDI4Culture) present the legal help services offered by NFDI4Culture. The Legal Helpdesk serves as a point of contact for legal questions from researchers and institutions in dealing with tangible and intangible cultural assets. It offers help on questions of copyright, personal rights and property rights - and not only in the form of legal texts, but also visualizations.

15:30 pm: Lizenzen – Eine Anleitung zu Creative Commons und 130 Frequently Asked Questions

In a conversation Dietmar Kammerer (University of Marburg) and Fabian Rack (FIZ Karlsruhe/iRights/NFDI4Culture) will consider what to think about when it comes to Creative Commons licenses in cultural studies - and how a new support service (it is celebrating its premiere here!) can help with the use of the licensing model.

16:00 pm: Digitalisierung illegalen Kulturguts als Basis digitaler Forschung

Frédéric Döhl (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) speaks to a problem in the context of the federal-state funding program Alliance for the Digitization of Cultural Assets, which is currently being designed.

16:30 pm: Visionär gedacht – Ein neues Kreatives Ökosystem

Katharina de la Durantaye (FU Berlin) presents the "Memorandum on the Future of the Creative Ecosystem in Europe". Among other things, the paper argues for shorter terms of protection and for work-type-specific regulations. In the short term, this is not feasible - which is another reason why we are interested in why parts of copyright science are formulating these demands.

#4CultureHour: 5-6pm

Live discussion on Twitter on the topic of NFTs

Up to now, in the digital world, a copy is a copy is a copy. Now non-fungible tokens are here. They make art scarce in a new way and eat up a lot of electricity. Why the hype? And who owns NFTs? We discuss the topic on Twitter with invited guests (tba.) and everyone who wants to have a say.