Oops, an error occurred! Code: 20240419230043615e6d84 Dr. Franziska Boehm was elected as spokesperson in NFDI section "Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects" - NFDI4Culture

News Item | 31. March 2022

Dr. Franziska Boehm was elected as spokesperson in NFDI section "Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects"

Logo graphics of the German National Research Data Infrastructure Association (NFDI).

"Logo graphics of the German National Research Data Infrastructure Association (NFDI)." Owner: Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur e.V.

The NFDI section Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (sectioin-ELSA) eleceted Co-Spokesperson of NFDI4Culture Task Area 5 (Ethical and Legal Aspects), Dr. Franziska Böhm, as speaker to the section. On Wednesday, March 30, the Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects section met for its kick-off session. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sax was eleceted as deputy speaker.

For the Common Infrastructures section (section-infra), the kick-off meeting was on Tuesday, March 29. Dr. Michael Diepenbroek was elected Speaker and Dr. Sonja Schimmler was elected Deputy Speaker.