Brief Report | 15. December 2022
2nd Forum „(Further) development of Research Tools & Data Services in NFDI4Culture“ – Report
By Franziska Fritzsche, M. A.

Various tools on a white mat.
"A set of various handcraft tools (solder, scissors, pliers ...) on a white mat." CC0 Creator: coyot
On September 15, 2022, the 2nd Community Forum "(Further) Development of Research Tools & Data Services" took place. As last year, the goal of the online event was to identify the needs of the community with regard to research tools and data services in discussion with researchers and members of the various professional societies.
During the period from July 29 to August 29, funding proposals for the (further) development of projects and measures could be submitted from the members of our communities. Projects that received funding in the last forum could submit again. Interested researchers and representatives from the communities could register for participation via web form until September 14.
During the online event on September 15 from 9 a.m. to noon, the projects and measures were presented and discussed in the plenum concerning the needs of our communities. The three-hour forum offered the opportunity to present measures, discuss them in four breakout rooms and record comments, wishes and criticism on a prepared Miro-Board.
After the forum, over the next two months, the 16 presented projects were analyzed based on the forum results and additional expertise was consulted. In the end, ten measures were proposed to the Culture Steering Board for funding.
Gratefully we can announce that this proposal was unanimously accepted and the following measures will be funded:
- Further development Graphical User Interface of CVMA Digital Resources Manager, the web-based Digital Resources Manager (DRM) improves collaboration, handling, retrieval, etc. of image-based content including better processing of image metadata in XMP and implementation of controlled vocabularies.
- Further development of CollAna, CollAna is a web-based tool for comparing versions of printed music.
- Linking Data made easier, to be developed is the graphical interface of a web component that will allow queries to the GND and WikiData in all web-based environments.
- Musicological Mark-Up with mei-friend Editor, extending the user interface of mei-friend to be able to create and manage annotations.
- 4D-Community-Browser 2.0, the 4D-Community-Browser 2.0 is a research tool that can be used to locate photographs together with 3D data on buildings on (historical) maps.
- WissKI-Cloud, WissKI-Cloud is a software-as-a-service that offers users the possibility to set up and maintain customized WissKI instances in an uncomplicated way.
- Extending the iArt project, iArt is a web platform that enables image comparisons and annotates images semi-automatically. Now this should be modularized and integrable into different contexts.
- MusicXML integration in meico, meico is a tool for converting music-related data and is to be extended to include MusicXML as a format as part of the measure.
- OpenRefine, OpenRefine is a free data editing tool that can be used to clean tabular data, reconcile data units, and connect ones own data to external knowledge bases.
- Kompakkt, Kompakkt enables the annotation of digital objects, with a focus on 3D objects that are uploaded and stored in a repository.
A total of € 120,000 will be funded in 2023 to further develop these projects. Over four years, a total of approximately € 400,000 will be distributed to NFDI4Culture communities through the annual "(Further) Development of Research Tools & Data Services" forum.