Brief Report | 15. June 2022
"Cultural data and data quality – let’s talk about problems"

Qualitätskontrolle, VEB Robotron Elektronik, Dresden 1976
CC BY-SA-3.0 Creator: Ulrich Häßler, Owner: Bundesarchiv
On May 2nd 2022, the Task Area “Standards, Data Quality and Curation” of the NFDI4Culture consortium invited participants to its second public digital forum. It was focused on an open exchange of participants' experiences with regard to the quality of cultural data generated, used, or aggregated in their various contexts, and an attempt to find a targeted, concrete description of problems in the area of data-related quality management.
The forum obviously addressed a highly topical issue, as many of the 250 participants had already provided information in advance, in some cases very detailed, about their experiences in this regard in their professional contexts. In two blocks three presentations were held, each followed by the opportunity for exchange and questions. In the first block, different projects gave insights into their quality management: at the beginning Julia Rössel and Barbara Fichtl on the use of the LIDO standard in the KONDA project,,) followed by colleagues from the Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance, who explained their goal to make semantic Linked Open Data models FAIR. Before the break, Andrea Hammes and Sebastian Meyer from SLUB Dresden used the example of the "DFG Viewer for Musical Records" to describe the aspect of their work to rethink specific requirements of individual media types and adapt the connected metadata schema accordingly.
In the afternoon, the focus was on portals and their experiences with the integration and aggregation of heterogeneous data. Julia Beck from the Fachinformationsdienst Darstellende Kunst highlighted aspects of the analysis and transformation of metadata as well as the reprocessing and repurposing of authority data, which serve to provide researchers with data that is as structured, searchable, and linked as possible.
Stefan Dumont and Sascha Grabsch (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities) presented the CorrespSearch project, which has been aggregating correspondence metadata from print and digital editions and other scholarly publications since 2014, and the project's technical workflow using the Correspondence Metadata Interchange Format (CMIF). Before the final discussion, Cosmina Berta (German National Library) presented her metadata quality management in the context of the German Digital Library and showed different perspectives and measures for quality control of cultural data in the future.
As expected, time was not sufficient to discuss all problems and questions of the participants. However, the manifold aspects and the individual approach to meaningful quality control, the strong awareness of data quality issues or their importance, and the diverse experiences in implementing them in very different projects and contexts will be further discussed in subsequent, rather smaller and thus more intensive exchange enabling formats.
The slides of the presentations are available for download as PDFs.