Workshop Proceedings | 24. March 2022

Links and materials for the NFDI InfraTalk "Wikibase and the challenges and possibilities of knowledge graphs for RDM in NFDI4Culture"

By Dr. Lozana Rossenova

Logo graphics of the German National Research Data Infrastructure Association (NFDI).

"Logo graphics of the German National Research Data Infrastructure Association (NFDI)." Owner: Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur e.V.

Ina Blümel, Lozana Rossenova and Harald Sack from NFDI4Culture held an NFDI Infratalk on March 7th 2022. All the relevant links and materials can be found here.

The recording of this talk can be watched on Youtube.

The two presentations were published on Zenodo: TIB Hannover FIZ Karlsruhe

Two follow-up blog posts were published on the TIB blog: