News Item | 06. December 2022
NFDI4Culture Music Award: The recipients of the NFDI4Culture Music Award 2022 have been announced!

Musikinstrumente zum Pfeifengericht
"Musikinstrumente zum Pfeifengericht" s. Bildarchiv Foto Marburg Creator: unknown, Owner: Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main
2022 will be the first year of the NFDI4Culture Music Award, which recognises projects or undertakings in the field of music and musicology that contribute in a special way to the goals in the consortium's working programme. The award is given in two categories. In Category 1, qualification work from all music-related subject areas completed in 2021/22 could be submitted. In category 2, projects of various kinds by cultural workers and academics from all music-related disciplines could be submitted. The winners are Frauke Reglind Pirk (Category 1) and Ralf Martin Jäger, Michael Kaiser and Sven Gronemeyer from the project 'Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae' (Category 2).
The jury, consisting of representatives from NFDI4Culture, the Society for Music Research (GfM), the German Music Council and the Centre for Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM), shortlisted the best projects from the submissions received. The two winners have now been selected and will receive the NFDI4Culture Music Award 2022. The award is linked to project funds of up to €1,500 and €3,000 respectively, which can be used to finance billable expenses that contribute to the goals of NFDI4Culture, such as travel costs, publication costs or expenses for the implementation of project-related workshops.
The award-winning projects will be presented to the public at the NFDI4Culture Plenary 2023 (29-31 March 2023) at the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz.
For Dörte Schmidt, spokesperson of the Advisory Council of NFDI4Culture, the award for the community of music researchers "creates an anchoring of the infrastructures in the communities that generate and deal with these data. Data infrastructures need to be developed collaboratively to meet needs, so in the field of arts and culture they need the connection of subject sciences and the cultural landscape." Kathrin Kirsch, representative of the Society for Music Research on the Steering Board, sees the active engagement with the goals and the already existing offerings of NFDI4Culture as particularly positive and welcomed the diversity of the submissions, which ranged "from song text editions, to music analysis of mensurally notated vocal polyphony around 1500, to modern electronic dance music and the development of digital tools, but also to projects for networking and communicating digital music topics." In the process, "very concrete thoughts about the sustainability, mediation and implementation of many helpful developments also played a role. That's exactly what we want to promote and support."
Award winner category 1:
Frauke Reglind Pirk (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) is awarded for her Master's thesis (2021) 'Conception and prototypical development of an oXygen-based framework for the edition of Ottoman song texts'. The work, which is supported by a needs-oriented user survey in guided interviews, is technically concerned with the development of the possibility to edit song texts in XML in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. One question is how such tools can be successfully implemented in projects that originally worked primarily in analogue, in order to identify and remove possible hurdles.
Prize winner category 2:
Ralf Martin Jäger (WWU Münster), Michael Kaiser and Sven Gronemeyer (Max Weber Stiftung Bonn) receive the award for their inter-consortial networking workshop 'Critical Music and Text Edition of Ottoman Art Music'. The aim of the proposed workshop is to place the 'Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae' (CMO) project at the centre of an inter-consortial discussion between the NFDI4Culture and Text+ consortia in order to identify synergies and common goals and to develop strategies. The CMO project is particularly suitable for this purpose, as it includes tangible and intangible cultural assets as well as instrumental and vocal music, poetry and performative aspects, thus representing a cross-section of both consortia.
The official press release can be found here.