News Item | 06. April 2023
Refactoring of the Culture Information Portal & Integration of Culture Registry
By Julia Tolksdorf and Linnaea Söhn, M. A.

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Last week, not only the many people from the NFDI4Culture network were able to look forward to a reunion at the Culture Community Plenary live in colour, but the Culture Information Portal also appeared in new clothes.
Version 1.6 of the portal was published on 28 March 2023. Thanks to a redesigned navigation and a new page structure, users have intuitive access to the portal's content and can obtain specific information about the consortium's work.
Instead of an extensive drop-down menu, a streamlined navigation and new overview pages on thematically grouped services and resources as well as the structure of NFDI4Culture offer improved user guidance. On detailed pages, users can find more in-depth information on individual services, such as the forums important for community exchange, the Flex Funds in the area of research funding and technical services such as Semantic Kompakkt, Wikibase4Research or RADAR4Culture. The steadily growing number of services and resources of the consortium will be integrated into this new structure in a continuous process.
A particularly important step for the further development of the portal as a central information point for the culture communities is the integration of the Registry for Software & Dataservices, which has now appeared in a first version with a comprehensive list of software used in the research communities of NFDI4Culture.
The new release was possible due to a close and very fruitful cooperation between the portal team, the registry team and all task areas which provided valuable input and feedback along the refactoring process. Special thanks goes to our NFDI4Culture colleagues Lozana Rossenova and Sarah Pittroff who continuously accompagnied the refactoring from a UX specialist perspective.