News Item | 07. July 2021

Release of our new NFDI4Culture Information Portal

News Item
Essigbrühe mit Öltropfen

Essigbrühe mit Öltropfen

Creator: Peter, Richard jun., Owner: SLUB / Deutsche Fotothek

Since July 7, 2021, NFDI4Culture has been online with a new portal and research information system, fulfilling the proposal promise to publish a research portal that will help NFDI4Cultures users to better find and use the consortium's offerings.

All services are made available on the NFDI4Culture Information Portal, which is now accessible online. It serves as a central communication platform with the communities. All service offerings, such as the Cultural Research Data Academy, the Registry for Research Tools and Data Services, or the Culture Knowledge Graph, are already accessible or will be accessible in the future via the portal. The most important service for the release is a central contact form with the possibility to directly contact the NFDI4Culture helpdesks on various aspects of handling research data as well as the Culture Kickstarter for support in proposal planning.

The portal does not only serve the distribution of information and project results. The information to be found there is semantically modeled on the platform according to European standards and is part of a Current Research Information System (CRIS). All persons, organizations and services of NFDI4Culture are stored as structured data in the portal in accordance with the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) and can be accessed both via the graphical interface and via a Linked Open Data interface (LOD-API).