Call for Applications | 29. July 2022
Suggestions for projects/measures „(Further) development of Research Tools & Data Services in NFDI4Culture“
By Franziska Fritzsche, M. A.

Various tools on a white mat.
"A set of various handcraft tools (solder, scissors, pliers ...) on a white mat." CC0 Creator: coyot
As announced, the second public community forum „(Further) development of Research Tools & Data Services in NFDI4Culture“ will take place on Thursday, 15th September 2022, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Like last year, the aim of this virtual forum event is to identify the needs of the community regarding research tools and data services in collaboration with you as researchers and members of the different academic societies. You are welcome to submit proposals for funding which will be discussed in plenary.
Proposals can refer to, for instance, the (further) development of features/ functionalities, improving interoperability of software or services, API implementation, porting to current technologies, code refactoring, documentation, designing or setting up a test environment, interlinking of tools and/ or services. Please note that measures which have already been funded have the opportunity to reapply. Within the task area "Research Tools and Data Services" a total of 120,000 EUR is available in 2023 for the realisation of the proposed projects.
Please submit your proposals by 29th August 2022.
The subimission is closed. Thank you for your participation.
In order for us to be able to discuss and evaluate the submissions in good manner, please provide as many concrete information as possible and outline the work packages of your proposal as planned, including expected cost and timeframe. Please note that proposals will need to be realised within 2023.
The schedule for the forum event as well as for the subsequent evaluation and decision procedure will be as follows:
- 29th August 2022: Submission deadline
- 1st September 2022: Submission review, programme announcement
- 15th September 2022, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Community forum
- Last quarter of 2022: Analysis and selection of measures as well as decision by the Culture Steering Board, preparation for granting of funds for 2023
If you do not have a funding proposal but would like to participate in the forum discussion, we kindly ask you to register for the event by 14th September 2022.
You will then receive an email including all relevant information at the beginning of September. You can find more information about the event here.
We are very much looking forward to getting in touch and collaborating with you!