Brief Report | 05. April 2022
The Forum Media Studies in NFDI4Culture – A look back and ahead
NFDI4Culture is a consortium that is oriented towards the specific research data-related needs of its participating professional communities. One of these is these is the media studies community, whose interests are represented in NFDI4Culture by the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (the German Society for Media Studies). The interests of researchers are taken into account in various ways within the consortium: Through the NFDI4Culture staff, who themselves have corresponding professional backgrounds, through the representatives of the respective disciplines in the Culture Steering Board of the consortium (in the case of media studies, these are Prof. Dr. Anna Tuschling and J.-Prof. Dr. Sven Stollfuß), as well as through the various event formats, such as the forums and the Culture Community Plenary, some of which are dedicated to specific questions and problems.
In addition, individual subject-specific initiatives have emerged in the past year that aim to ensure low-threshold exchange between the communities and NFDI4Culture. In this context, the "Forum Medienwissenschaft in NFDI4Culture" (Forum Media Studies in NFDI4Culture) has also begun its work as a joint initiative of NFDI4Culture, the media studies repository media/rep/, and the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft. The forum is an open and ongoing bottom-up initiative and discussion platform to which all interested people are cordially invited. Prof. Dr. Malte Hagener, one of the co-spokespersons of NFDI4Culture, is responsible for the forum. The goal of the forum is to stimulate discussion on all aspects of the topic of research data in the discipline and to support researchers in relation to research data with offers from NFDI4Culture and media/rep/.
The first two meetings of the forum (via Zoom on April 30, 2021 and in person at the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft Annual Conference 2021 in Innsbruck) addressed several key issues, such as the specific needs of the discipline in the area of research data (including project proposals, metadata, archiving, access, consulting, management), the offers of NFDI4Culture and media/rep/ to support researchers, or the bundling of existing expertise in relation to media studies research data. The events showed that the discipline first needs to agree on essential subjects, such as a concept of research data in media studies, before further questions can be addressed in a constructive manner.
For this reason, at a third meeting on March 3, 2022 (again via Zoom), joint work on a position paper on the concept of media studies research data was started. For this purpose, in addition to modeling a (research) data concept specific to the discipline, a structural requirements profile for media studies research data management is to be developed in particular. The different research complexes and ways of working in media studies require, on the one hand, the reflection and specification of terminologies within the logic of a cross-disciplinary research data management. On the other hand, it is also and especially important to discuss the structural preconditions and subject-specific requirement profiles for a long-term research data management that is directed towards standardization and, in doing so, to work on them in a purposeful and solution-oriented manner as media studies community effort within NFDI4Culture. All members and working groups of the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft are invited to participate in the drafting of the position paper. Work on it is expected to be completed in the fall of 2022. Interested people who would like to participate in the "Forum Medienwissenschaft in NFDI4Culture" or the writing process for the position paper in the future are welcome to contact Dr. Alexander Stark (