NFDI4Culture Metadata API
Metadata of all resources as Linked Open Data
The NFDI4Culture portal offers all content as Linked Open Data over this RESTful API. The API implements the Hydra-Specification of the W3C Hydra Community Group. The semantic description of this API can be retrieved by clients via the Hydra documentation file (JSON). Each metadata record offered via this API can also be retrieved in one of following machine-readable LOD serializations. The API is the basis for the Culture Research Information Graph, which together with the Culture Research Data Graph forms the Culture Knowledge Graph (for more details see this presentation).
Persistent Identifier: <>
Lambert Heller
Retrieve record as:
- image
- givenName
- Lambert
- familyName
- Heller
- memberOf
- Role: Member
- Role: Affiliation
- contactPointOf
- Hackathons
- Barcamps
- contributorOf
- Book Sprints: Offene Lehr- und Handbücher ergebnisorientiert gemeinsam schreiben
- Some things we care about for NFDI4Culture – Or: We want better tools and workflows for annotating images and 3D models!
- Barcamps
- Hackathons
- Hackathons and other participatory open science formats
- Einige Dinge, die uns für NFDI4Culture am Herzen liegen – Oder: Wir wollen bessere Werkzeuge und Workflows für das Annotieren von Bildern und 3D-Modellen!
- NFDI4Culture - Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage