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Digital Workshop "Collection meets Research"

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Two Dancers on stage with art installation.
Digital Workshop "Collection meets Research"
Digital Workshop "Collection meets Research"

Theatre-related collections and archives in dialogue with institutions of artistic teaching and research

2 December 2022 | 10-19:30 | online

The Bundesverband Theatersammlungen im deutschsprachigen Raum (TheSiD) e.V. (Federal Association of Theatre Collections in German-Speaking Countries) is organising the workshop "Sammlung trifft Forschung 2022" (Collection meets Research 2022) together with the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch, the Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz (HZT) Berlin (Inter-University Centre for Dance) and the AG ARCHIV of the Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft (Society for Theatre Studies). For this third working meeting, the focus is on artistic education. Six workshops will explore the question of how teachers, students and graduates of the performing arts use objects and documents in collections and memory institutions and what services and infrastructures are available for this.

Project presentations by students and teachers provide insight into creative and artistic work in this field. Another question concerns the archives of the artistic training institutes themselves: What cooperation and strategies are needed to sustainably secure, present and make accessible these collections? This also involves everyday challenges in data collection, systematisation and administration at the training institutions as well as the use of research tools for artistic engagement with external collections. Last but not least, the workshops will discuss which new forms of cooperation can (and must) be developed between collections and institutions of artistic teaching and research. Overall, the working meeting aims at the exchange of experiences and interests of theatre-related collections and the researchers, teachers, students and alumni of artistic universities working with them and beyond. The aim is to encourage a transfer of knowledge that promotes cooperation between institutions of artistic teaching and research and theatre-related collections. The programme is divided into 2 workshop sessions:

Session 1:
WS 1.1 The educational institutions' own archives and archived student life
WS 1.2 Collection holdings and knowledge orders of the archives in education
WS 1.3 Development of new artistic performance formats in libraries

Session 2:
WS 2.1 With whom and with what do we tell the past?
WS 2.2 Media as documentation and artistic objects in educational practice
WS 2.3 Teaching project on working with a historical media archive

The working meeting will conclude with the lecture "RECYCLING KNOWLEDGE - Contact Improvisation in Connection with Practice & Theory, Dance, Music, Visual Arts and Video" by Dieter Heitkamp (HfMDK Frankfurt am Main).

All interested parties are cordially invited to register for this digital workshop with us by 28.11.2022. Please write us which workshop of Session 1 and which workshop of Session 2 you would like to attend (one workshop per session). Please send registrations to: Nathalie Rosenbaum ( The link to participate will then be sent to you shortly before the event.

Further information

News Item
Melanie Gruß
Fachinformationsdienst Darstellende Kunst
Bundesverband Theatersammlungen im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.
