Culture Knowledge Base

The NFDI4Culture Knowledge Base contains guidelines, reports, and specifications by the task areas of the consortium covering all aspects of research data management in the domain of material and immaterial cultural heritage. Additionally, we provide you with curated link recommendations to high quality open educational resources.

Popular keywords:

Digitizing, Inventorizing, Enriching 5 Items

Newspaper Digitization Master Plan - Recommendations for the Digitization of Historical Newspapers in Germany

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The "Masterplan Zeitungsdigitalisierung" summarizes the experiences and results of the DFG project "Digitalisierung historischer Zeitungen" and includes a summary of the most important recommendations.

Read (de)

Pure 3D Technical Report

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

This technical report of the Dutch Pure3D project of 2021 provides a comparably up-to-date state of the art compilation of available scientific 3D web infrastructures. The survey is complemented by user requirements, guidelines and recommendations.

Read (en)

Report and Recommendations of the Task Force 3D Content in

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The document contains both the 2019 survey of 3D content in Europeana as well as a set of recommendations. Although the survey was limited to the content available in Europeana at that time, the results and recommendations can be generalized in principle.

Read (en)

3D Formats for Classical Studies

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The IANUS Research Data Center for Archaeology and Classical Studies, coordinated by the German Archaeological Institute, has compiled IT recommendations for the sustainable handling of digital data, including recommended formats for 3D data.

Read (de)

3D Objects – The Virtual Digital Heritage

NFDI4Culture Video Guideline
Author(s): Zoe Schubert, Katja Sternitzke
Contributor(s): Eva Bodenschatz
Version: 1.0.0

This video tutorial explains what a 3D object is and how it is created, what to consider during the production, why 3D objects are useful for science, and how they help explore and preserve cultural heritage.


Documenting 5 Items

Data Curation Profile

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The publication by Jake Carlson provides instructions on how to use the so-called "toolkit" for documenting research data, as well as templates and examples compiled for free use by Purdue University in the US.

Read (de)

Data Curation Profiles Toolkit – User Guide

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The publication by Jake Carlson provides instructions on how to use the so-called "toolkit" for documenting research data, as well as templates and examples compiled for free use by Purdue University in the US.

Read (en)

Data Documentation

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The site provides detailed information on why, how and which research data should be documented in accordance with the FAIR criteria, with regard to formats, vocabularies, languages, protocols, repositories, persistent identifications.

Read (de)

Museums and 3D Printing

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

This resource illustrates how 3D printing works and is used in museums through a series of practical examples. It is especially recommended because of the appendices, which complete the use cases with a valuable compilation of information about 3D printing, including a glossary,…

Read (de)

Transcription of Data

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The page highlights the aspect of transcription (as writing down what is spoken and observed) of qualitative research data and offers, among other things, further links for audio and video transcription as well as literature recommendations on the topic.

Read (de)

Organizing 2 Items

Introduction to data formats

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

This resource provides an introduction such as an overview of long-term and sustainable data formats and covers file formats, conversion, compatibility, long-term stability, metadata, and machine readability.

Read (de)

Data Life Cycle

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The article provides an overview of the data lifecycle and its individual stages.

Read (de)

Overarching topics 1 Items

Guideline for a FAIR Cultural Studies Research Data Management

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Angela Kailus
Version: 1.0.1

In order to be optimally re-usable, research data should be processed according to the FAIR principles. This guideline explains what these principles mean and how they can be implemented in cultural studies and heritage collections.


Planning 4 Items

LIDO Primer

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The LIDO Primer provides a sound introduction to the metadata schema LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects) and contains illustrative XML examples for describing objects with LIDO.

Read (en)

LIDO Training

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Barbara Fichtl
Version: 1.1.0

LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects) is a metadata schema for the presentation and publication of data on cultural heritage objects. This training provides the basics for understanding and using LIDO.


Guideline for the sustainable development and use of research software

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Daniel Jettka, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Aleksander Marčić, Anne Ferger
Version: 1.1.0

How can software be developed, offered and used in such a way that it itself and the research results produced with it remain sustainably available in the sense of the FAIR criteria and can be re-used as far as possible?


Data Sharing and Management Snafu in 3 Short Acts (2012)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

This little data management horror story illustrates fundamental problems in the subsequent use of data that arise due to poor standardisation, documentation and archiving, suitable for initial sensitisation to the topic of research data management.

Read (en)

Data sharing & publishing 1 Items

From project proposal to data publication

Link Recommendation

This task sheet for beginners contains eight key tasks on research data management, from data capture to publication: Data Management Plan, Data Structuring and Naming, Data Selection, File Formats, Metadata/README File, Legal Aspects, License Selection, Repository Selection.
