Culture Community Plenary

The Plenary is NFDI4Culture's largest annual event, bringing together all parts of the consortium and the community for networking and interaction.

Painting by the late Baroque painter Sebastiano Conca.

Sebastiano Conca(Kopie nach), Jüngling, Kunst und Wissenschaft

"Painting by the late Baroque painter Sebastiano Conca." CC BY-SA 4.0 Creator: Sebastiano Conca

The Culture Community Plenary (CCP) is a two-day event that takes place once a year. On this occasion, all members of the consortium (representatives of co-applicants, participants and scientific societies) and its governance (Steering Board, Advisory Council and Spokesperson Committee) as well as guests from national and international research and infrastructure will come together to discuss the current status of the consortium, present results of completed tasks and give an update on the progress of the work programme in order to define the consortium's strategy for the next year.


Contact Point:
Culture Coordination Office
