NFDI4Culture Community Architecture
In architecture, documentation standards and data modelling play a critical, constitutive as well as literally constructive role on many levels: in the design and building process as well as in site surveys, built heritage conservation and reconstruction. Research data are the basis for the development of new building and planning concepts as well as for historical research. Thus, building information is incorporated in a variety of types and forms, often from neighbouring sciences: standards, surveys, object and material properties, (historical) GIS, photographs, sections, floor plans, views, models and many more are linked to a building.
Learning to use this data in turn requires the implementation of digital tools and standards, both in the planning office as well as in GLAM institutions and universities. NFDI4Culture wants to collaborate with the architecture community to develop tools, repositories and open standards, and seeks to establish a long-term perspective in accordance with the FAIR principles.
Buzzwords such as 'digital building', 'smart' and 'informed city' emphasise the challenges architectural practice faces today, especially since the mandatory introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling): Information technology solutions should accompany as many phases as possible, from the draft to the building permit to facility management, and further enable the integration into land use planning, as well as urban development and economy.
Thereby, multiple 'life cycle phases' are being passed through, which include a variety of data (types) and formats. In CAD, three-dimensional building models, floor plans and wireframes are not only drawn, processed and stored but linked to building information in detail through parametric and intelligent reference objects across all scales. By means of synchronised models, all participants are to be coordinated in order to promote the exchange of information and to create transparency with regard to costs and risks. Standards, interfaces and software platforms for exchanging data should therefore be included in planning, design and construction processes as well as in building surveys, assessment and reconstruction.
From a cultural and art historical perspective, long-term archiving, reliability and interoperability of research data are essential for the collection and development of building information. Corresponding with traditional methods of archaeology, art and architectural history, there is an growing trend towards retrodigitisation and the extensive creation of 3D scans, models and site plans, which in turn are linked to other knowledge bases and expanded with metadata. When it comes to the acquisition of image data and the indexing of rara, the transitions to art history are fluid, especially with regard to context-based annotation and content-based indexing.

User Story 06
As a researcher in the field of DH, I develop software solutions for purposes of architectural history: a tool to reconstruct and analyse monuments that are no longer in existance or only partially preserved. Data as well as code are to be made available for subsequent use of the data and for further development. I need a reference framework to be able to check whether my technical solutions mirror the specifics of the interrrelating connection between digital and analogue cultural heritage.

User Story 12
As a conservator of monuments and buildings, I am looking nationwide for comparable buildings to Stuttgart Central Station in order to prove its architectonic uniqueness and justify the monument's value in court and thus protect it from demolition.

User Story 16
As head of a State Monuments Office I work on several projects at the same time (building surveys- excavation projects - archiving - inventory surveys- survey projects and field inspections - evaluation - cataloguing and reviewing of stacks - preparation for museum presentations). Although the collected data sets are heterogeneous in nature, I would like to collect all data in project-specific databases and interconnect them with each other. At the same time, I want to promote collaboration with other State Monuments Offices in order to go beyond micro-regional evaluations, since a lack of standardisation regarding data collection often stands in the way of a comprehensive regional evaluation of periodiodical/object groups. The search for comparable objects (e.g. comparable architectural buildings) and the analysis of structures (settlement patterns, ceramic developments) could be optimised in a more target-oriented and comprehensive way. In order to guarantee the competent handling of this database, I need qualified employees. I have to pass on and develop appropriate skills and for this I need suitable training formats that fit the task at hand. I want to be able to articulate these needs in a central, single point of contact. In order to carry out this research project, I need qualified staff. I have to pass on and develop appropriate skills and for this I need suitable training formats that fit the task at hand. I want to be able to articulate these needs in a central, single point of contact.

User Story 22
As a conservator of monuments and buildings, I would like to enrich our existing collection with metadata on material and style in order to offer our users added value. I don't have time to annotate every single picture myself, for this reason I want to use automatic methods. However, it is important to me that I keep control over the results and can adapt the generated metadata.

User Story 24
As a doctoral student, I develop tools for automatic architectural reconstruction of buildings as part of my doctorate. The long-term availability and usability of the tool is less important to me. My evaluation focuses on precise figures describing the tool's accuracy. In addition, I would like to complete my PhD thesis successfully and receive scientific validation for my technological development.

User Story 25
As a Wikimedian I am happy to be involved in the digital cultural commons and have already made many edits on Wikipedia pages about cultural heritage and made pictures available for free use at WM Commons. I have made contributions to Europeana’s crowd sourcing projects, such as annotating pictures from the 1st World War. I am particularly interested in providing my specialized knowledge on Corinthian temples for various digital objects. I am pleased if this knowledge can be made available a human- and machine-readable way and be reused in research and I can help expanding the general body of knowledge in this field while doing so.