The Culture Coordination Office and the Culture Technical Office bring together all administrative and co-ordinative activities, incentives for participation and inward-outward cooperation, dissemination, community engagement and outreach while taking care of reporting and all governance operations. The two teams facilitate knowledge pooling and exchange between our task areas and other NFDI consortia when jointly working on NFDI-wide cross-cutting topics.
Information, Communication & Documentation Culture Coordination Office
The diverse NFDI4Culture consortium bundles numerous information nodes in the individual work areas and in the cross-sectional teams. The decentralized distribution of information requires a node in which these information flows from the individual task areas and cross-sectional topics are brought together. This node in the centralized-decentralized structure is formed by the Culture Coordination Office (CCO) team. Specifically, it is the operational liaison between the governance of the consortium (Spokesperson, Co-Spokesperson Committee, Culture Steering Board and Culture Advisory Board) and the employees of the individual task areas. The core tasks of the team include the general coordination of the task areas with a view to the entire consortium, the supporting organization of community events for the general presentation of NFDI4Culture, the overview and forwarding of incoming inquiries as well as internal and external information flows.
With its knowledge and process management, the CCO supports the individual areas in sharing results and information across disciplines and creating synergies within the consortium. Through regular mutual reports, the other work areas gain an insight into ongoing processes and can thus actively contribute their own complementary elements. This way, the CCO team also has a joint overview of the core processes and can help steer any necessary adjustments (e.g. changes in community requirements). In addition to the regular meetings of the work areas, the CCO representatives also attend the meetings of the steering and community bodies (Culture Steering Board, Culture Spokesperson Committee, Culture Advisory Council and Culture Community Plenary).
The Culture Community Plenary is the forum for exchange between the consortium and the various communities and the scientific community. This provides an insight into the engine room of the entire consortium in order to actively appreciate the results of the communities' participation to date. Through the exchange at the event, e.g. with contributions from the community itself, dynamic adjustments to needs should also be possible and the bond between the consortium and the digital humanities should be strengthened. The CCO supports and shapes the orientation of the comprehensive insight in close cooperation with other work areas.
As a central team, the CCO is the point of contact for inquiries about the consortium, individual offers and participation opportunities. The online contact form set up for this purpose serves as a central point of contact for questions and suggestions. The CCO not only acts within the consortium, but also - where possible - arranges contact with the expertise sought and thus actively supports the development of networks.
Technical Coordination, Services & Infrastructure Culture Technical Office
The Technical Coordination Office (TCO) is the central office for the technical coordination of the NFDI4Culture consortium. It actively shapes its technical development, optimizes work processes and makes a significant contribution to the efficient infrastructure. With around 400 managed user accounts, the TCO plays a key role in networking the consortium, providing technical support and making a decisive contribution to smooth functionality while continuously working on optimizing processes and providing technical services. It monitors and supports certification and implementation processes, coordinates services and infrastructure, in particular the connection of external services via federated identity and access management. In addition, the TCO is involved beyond the culture community in the technically oriented task forces of the NFDI, strengthens cross-disciplinary cooperation and contributes to the technological development of the entire research data infrastructure.
The TCO is responsible for the overarching technical coordination of the consortium. It monitors and supports certification and implementation processes for tools, data services and information resources. The focus is on the coordination of services and infrastructure, in particular the connection of external services via federated identity and access management. The TCO actively participates in technical development at consortium level and supports the continuous optimization of work processes.
The TCO manages around 400 user accounts and plays a key role in connecting the consortium through an established collaboration infrastructure. It provides technical support for IT and software-specific questions, optimizes onboarding and offboarding processes and evaluates additional support services such as a weekly consultation hour and news reports. It can be reached via public channels such as and personal contact.
Beyond the Culture Community, the TCO is involved in the coordination processes of the 26 NFDI consortia on tools, software and infrastructure across all disciplines. It provides training materials, assists with account management and actively participates in various working groups of the NFDI sections, including Identity and Access Management and Research Software Engineering.