Conference Announcement | 12. March 2024
NFDI4Culture at the 37th German Congress for Art History

P. Baumann und Franz Anton Mayer: Ansicht von Erlangen
"Lithographie einer Stadtansicht von Erlangen um 1830" CC0 Owner: SLUB Dresden / Deutsche Fotothek
The 37th German Congress for Art History will take place from 13 to 17 March. Topics from practice and current research will be presented and discussed at the Institute of Art History at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
NFDI4Culture will be running a stand in the Redoutensaal of the Kollegiengebäude from Wednesday to Saturday, where we warmly welcome all attendees!
We would not only like to present NFDI4Culture and answer questions, but also learn from the questions asked and find out how we can further support the communities present.
We are already looking forward to exciting discussions with you in Erlangen!