"Logo of the annual Edirom Summer School" CC BY Creator: Virtueller Forschungsverbund Edirom, Owner: Virtueller Forschungsverbund Edirom
This year, the 14th Edirom Summer School (ESS) took place from 31 May to 2 June 2023, in Paderborn. It had to be brought forward and shortened, because the joint conference of MEI and TEI entitled "Encoding cultures" will take place in Paderborn on the traditional September date.
In order not to cancel the ESS, it was held in the week after Pentecost, which complemented the traditional reading week at the University of Paderborn.
It was necessary to move and shorten the ESS, because the organisational team of the joint conference and the circle of lecturers of the ESS overlap considerably. It was therefore decided to hold the ESS this time – in a nutshell – with only one course per day and to advertise all courses for beginners.
The concept worked: Within a short period of time, the introductory courses on MEI and Edirom were fully booked with 20 participants each, and the TEI course could only be booked until the end because it was possible to acquire a second team of lecturers.
Many participants booked all three days, but some also deliberately booked a single course. The atmosphere was – as always at the ESS – very good: interested participants and ambitious lecturers complemented each other well, especially since there was enough opportunity to answer individual questions during the courses and breaks.
We would like to thank Text+ and NFDI4Culture for their financial support, all lecturers (exclusively members of the Virtueller Forschungsverbund Edirom, ViFE) for their willingness and especially Dennis Ried M. A. for the excellent organization.
The ViFE team is looking forward to seeing you again in September in Paderborn at "Encoding cultures" – the first ever joint conference of the TEI and MEI communities.