Announcement | 31. March 2024
Funding of the Specialised Information Service BAUdigital has expired
By Dr. Katja Wermbter

Logo BAUdigital on "a blurry photo of a white and blue background"
"Photomontage of the FID BAUdigital´s logo and the picture "a blurry photo of a white and blue background"." Creator: Maria Chistyakova, Felipe Pelaquim
The project Specialised Information Service (FID) BAUdigital officially ends its work on 31th March 2024. The FID BAUdigital was launched just over three years ago, in September 2020, to develop a tailor-made service offering for the fields of civil engineering, architecture and urbanism. The focus was on providing information on digital methods and technologies in the construction industry.
The project partners were Braunschweig University Library, Darmstadt University and State Library, TIB-Leibniz Information Center for Technology and Natural Sciences and University Library, and Fraunhofer Information Center for Space and Building IRB.
The range of services offered by the FID included among others the comprehensive provision of information on research literature, research data and players via a central web service platform (, the development of workflows for 3D retro-digitisation of physical architectural models and their publication as research data, the development of a thesaurus BAUdigital as Linked Open Data, community formats such as the Data Talks as well as subject-specific training courses on open access and publication services.
The web service platform will be maintained as a central service for the time being. Other services developed in the FID BAUdigital and the social media activities will be successively shut down or continued outside the FID. Separate information will be provided on the web service platform.
Further information and results of the FID
Wermbter, K., & Elsner, C. (2022). Under Construction: Open Access und Forschungsdaten in Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 9(1), 1–20.
Arndt S., Beer A.; Blümel I., Elsner C.; Hauschke C.; Holste D., Kampe B.; Lindlar M.; Mofakhamsanie G.; Noback A., Saemann H.; Tittel S.; Voormann F.; Wermbter K. & Winkler R. (2022) FID Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism digital - A platform for science (BAUdigital). Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e82563.
Noback, A. & Grobe, L. O.: Preparing the past for the future, in: Börner, W. et al. (Hrsg.) (2022): Artificial Intelligence: New Pathways Towards Cultural Heritage, Heidelberg: Propylaeum (Proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna, Band 25), p. 23-31.