"A printer printing pages of a journal." CC0 Creator: Bank Phrom
In recent weeks, several new handouts have been created within NFDI4Culture, which are now available in the NFDI4Culture Knowledge Base. As before, they are all presented as online publications, but can also be accessed as data publications via ZENODO.
Among these new publications, the following are particularly noteworthy: Basics of digital long-term archiving. A guide to digital preservation from the perspective of the NFDI4Culture community.
Digital preservation is a complex and challenging topic that requires a comprehensive and understandable introduction. This very comprehensive and detailed handout from the Data Publication and Long-term Archiving Task Area therefore provides an overview of important preservation strategies as well as practical examples and application scenarios from the cultural sector. It is aimed both at researchers who wish to archive their data in the long term and at operators of long-term digital archives.
A particular focus was on standardizing terminology and standards within the NFDI4Culture community. The needs and requirements of cultural studies data were specifically taken into account.
Two other closely related handouts originate from the same Task Area: Firstly, the RADAR4Culture Quickstart Guide – this is being developed for NFDI4Culture at FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, explains all the steps required when using this free publication service and provides information on additional functions and the available metadata fields. In addition, RADAR4Culture: Handout on personal data, which primarily deals with the question of which research data fall under the term "personal data" and therefore may not be published in RADAR4Culture without further ado.
With version 1.2.1, the Culture Graph Interchange Format has been further adapted to the requirements of the NFDI4Culture communities to enable seamless data integration into the Culture Knowledge Graph. Additional attributes have been added to capture information about the data providers' research datasets, including schema:image and schema:lyrics. The exchange format was also classified as a central mechanism for data integration. A comprehensive guide to research data integration in the Culture Knowledge Graph is currently being developed.
And finally, the "Guidelines for the sustainable development and use of research software" was revised and restructured in the Research tools and data services Task Area. Among other things, initial thoughts on ecological aspects are now also included in considerations on sustainable software development, although it is not currently possible to give generally applicable recommendations for action.
You are cordially invited to use our new publications and we look forward to your feedback and suggestions!