Culture Knowledge Base

The NFDI4Culture Knowledge Base contains guidelines, reports, and specifications by the task areas of the consortium covering all aspects of research data management in the domain of material and immaterial cultural heritage. Additionally, we provide you with curated link recommendations to high quality open educational resources.

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Webinar "Einführung in Iconclass"

NFDI4Culture Video Guideline
Author(s): Angela Kailus
Contributor(s): Martin Albrecht-Hohmaier, Frodo Podschwadek
Version: 1.0.0

This webinar introduces Iconclass, a classification system for the subject indexing of works of art and other cultural objects. It shows how to work with it during indexing and explains how using Iconclass can enhance the interoperability of data. Find presentation slides here.


LIDO Training

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Barbara Fichtl
Version: 1.1.0

LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects) is a metadata schema for the presentation and publication of data on cultural heritage objects. This training provides the basics for understanding and using LIDO.


Guideline for the sustainable development and use of research software

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Daniel Jettka, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Aleksander Marčić, Anne Ferger
Version: 1.1.0

How can software be developed, offered and used in such a way that it itself and the research results produced with it remain sustainably available in the sense of the FAIR criteria and can be re-used as far as possible?


What are Authority Data?

NFDI4Culture Video Guideline
Author(s): Melanie Gruß, Desiree Mayer
Contributor(s): Eva Bodenschatz
Version: 1.0.0

The tutorial basically explains what authority data are and how they can be used in relation to research data. In addition, the video describes the role of authority data for different entities and from different providers and explains their potential for the Semantic Web.


What Is LIDO?

NFDI4Culture Video Guideline
Author(s): Barbara Fichtl
Version: 1.0.0

This video tutorial gives a brief introduction to the metadata schema LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects). LIDO was developed for the representation and publication of cultural heritage object data.


International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

ISIL records identifiers for libraries, archives, museums and related institutions within the globally applied ISIL identification system. The German ISIL agency is the Berlin State Library. The data are provided with addresses and georeferenced.

Read (de)

LIDO Primer

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The LIDO Primer provides a sound introduction to the metadata schema LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects) and contains illustrative XML examples for describing objects with LIDO.

Read (en)

Catalog of Quality Problems in Data, Data Models and Data Transformations (2020)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The publication identifies concrete data problems in research data on tangible cultural assets. Each problem is described by a structured profile that includes aspects such as the quality dimensions involved, examples, causes and ideas for improvement.

Read (en)


Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

Wikidata is a rapidly growing database on all knowledge domains that has been in existence since 2012 and can be edited by anyone interested or supplemented by automated enrichment. Wikidata represents one of the most important data hubs of the Linked (Open) Data network.

Read (en)

Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

VIAF is an aggregated standards data service with holdings from 57 national libraries and similar providers (as of Aug. 2022). VIAF establishes concordances to an entity via the standards records available for it and offers a URI to this cluster.

Read (en)

The Integrated Authority File - Standards Data for Culture and Research

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The film provides information about the GND as a data collection of authority data from the cultural sciences and as an organizational structure for institutions involved in shaping the GND. It addresses the integration of the GND in international contexts.

Read (de)

The challenge of data quality – recommendations for the future viability of research in the digital transformation (2019)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German, English

The position paper of the Council for Information Infrastructures (RfII) deals with quality assurance and enhancement in the documentation of research data and is a comprehensive and motivating analysis on the topic of quality assurance in the science system.

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Research Funding – Online Manual

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

This page of the European Commission gives a very detailed overview of the possibilities and the related formalities to finance a project.

Read (en)

Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCID)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German, English

ORCID IDs are unique identification numbers for people in the scientific work process, which can be used to link them to their publications, research data and other research-related resources. The deposited data are not editorially checked.

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Lightweight Information Describing Objects (LIDO)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

LIDO is an XML schema for providing metadata on objects of material culture for various post-use contexts, from online publication to output via interfaces. It supports the full range of descriptive information on cultural property.

Read (en)

LIDO manual for the collection and publication of metadata on cultural objects: Graphics (2019)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The handbook provides graphic collections with guidance for the acquisition of data and its integration into cross-collection contexts. It looks at the perspective of scientific description of the goods and that of the informational organisation of the data.

Read (de)

LIDO Manual for the Acquisition and Publication of Metadata on Cultural Objects: Painting and Sculpture (2022)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The LIDO Handbook is dedicated to objects of the genres painting and sculpture and is an application profile of the internationally established metadata standard LIDO, which serves as a guide for structuring information in local collection management systems.

Read (de)


Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

Iconclass is a comprehensive classification system for the indexing of representational content in pictorial collections that is used in museums, libraries and research projects worldwide. It is particularly suitable for indexing Western art.

Read (en)

How to be FAIR with your data (2021)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The teaching and training manual is intended to support higher education institutions in integrating FAIR-specific content into curricula. It offers a comprehensive presentation of all FDM and FAIR topics, arranged by competence profiles, and includes practical material.

Read (en)

Hornbostel-Sachs System

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The Hornbostel-Sachs system is a classification system for musical instruments. It has been the international standard since the 1970s. The system was updated and expanded in 2011 as part of the Musical Instrument Museums Online (MIMO) project.

Read (de)


Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

GO FAIR is a bottom-up initiative aiming to implement the FAIR data principles and make data discoverable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). It provides an implementation network active in the areas of GO CHANGE, GO TRAIN, GO BUILD.

Read (en)

Getty Vocabularies: Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The Getty Research Institute offers several coordinated structured subject vocabularies for the arts and cultural studies. ULAN is a vocabulary of over 527,000 artists and arts-related individuals and entities (as of Nov. 2021).

Read (en)

Getty Vocabularies: Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The Getty Research Institute offers several coordinated structured subject vocabularies for the arts and cultural studies. The TGN lists georeferenced entries for 2.5 million geographies worldwide with a focus on historical places (as of Nov. 2021).

Read (en)


Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

Geonames is a database aggregated primarily from public data sources with over 12 million topographic entities worldwide, including increasingly fixed artefacts (buildings and monuments). It is one of the most important nodes in the Semantic Web for geographies.

Read (en)

Getty Vocabularies: Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

Das Getty Research Institute bietet mehrere aufeinander abgestimmte strukturierte Fachvokabulare für die Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften. Der AAT ist ein mehrsprachiger, hierarchisch strukturierter Thesaurus mit über 72.000 Allgemeinbegriffen (Nov. 2021). 

Read (en)

Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) offers the largest openly licensed pool of German-language authority data on individual terms, such as persons, corporate bodies, events, geographies and artistic works, but also on general terms in the form of subject headings.

Read (de)

Formal Ontologies: A Complete Novice's Guide (2018)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The multi-part learning module of the PARTHENOS project (2016–19, G. Bruseker et al.) explains the purpose, basic principles and application contexts of ontologies in semantic information processing even for users without an information science background.

Read (en)

FAIR-Aware: Assess Your Knowledge of FAIR (2021)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

FAIR-Aware is an online tool that helps researchers and data managers assess how much they know about the requirements for the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIR) of datasets.

Read (en)

FAIR Data Principles for Research Data (2017)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English, German

The page explains the FAIR principles quickly and clearly. On the one hand, it describes the tasks involved in creating FAIR research data, and on the other hand, it presents the requirements for repositories to offer FAIR data.

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FAIR Data Maturity Model (2020)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English, German

To counteract ambiguities in the interpretation of FAIR principles, the Research Data Alliance has developed core assessment criteria for FAIRness of data and formulated a set of indicators, including a checklist, as a starting point for reviewing your own data.

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Erlangen CRM / OWL

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

As an application ontology, the Erlangen CRM / OWL is an interpretation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. 
It is the authoritative application ontology of CRM in the German-speaking world and important, e. g., for data stewards carry out implementations on the basis of…

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Data Sharing and Management Snafu in 3 Short Acts (2012)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

This little data management horror story illustrates fundamental problems in the subsequent use of data that arise due to poor standardisation, documentation and archiving, suitable for initial sensitisation to the topic of research data management.

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Data Management Plan

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The article offers a good first introduction to the topic of DMP and contains numerous useful, further links for the user (including the specifications of the funding institutions, DMP tools, etc.).

Read (de)

Data Life Cycle

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The description of the data life cycle on is very compact, but as an introduction it explains aptly what the data life cycle is all about.

Read (de)

CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model – Primer (2014)

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model is the reference ontology for cultural heritage information integration (ISO Standard 21127:2014). The primer is an introduction to the fundamentals and basic modelling of CRM and provides a guided introduction.

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