Workshop Announcement | 21. November 2023
Art Historical Publishing in Open Access - Questions and Answers
Information event
- Tuesday, 21 November 2023
- 10:00-12:00, online via Zoom
Would you like to publish your art historical publication online in Open Access? Do you want your research results to be accessible and reusable free of charge? But you still have doubts about whether Open Access is right for you because you find the subject too complicated or you would like to understand the processes better?
The information event organised by the German Association for Art History and its cooperation partners provides compact basic knowledge about scientific publishing in Open Access. Based on the publication services of, Fachinformationsdienst Kunst – Fotografie – Design, as well as the services of NFDI4Culture, your questions will be answered in a practical way:
What concrete possibilities do I have as an author to publish my essay, dissertation or monograph? What is the best way for me as an editor to publish a congress volume or even to set up my own e-journal? Can I also have a printed book despite Open Access? What about visibility and reputation? What about the promotion and funding of Open Access publications in art history? What peculiarities and hurdles, but also what possibilities arise here for the perennial problem of image rights and licences? Are protected images allowed to be published freely, and does free access also have advantages when obtaining rights of use?
The target group are students and graduates of art history at all stages of their careers.
The event will be hosted by Dr. Maria Effinger (Heidelberg University Library / / NFDI4Culture) and PD Dr. Dr. Grischka Petri (FIZ Karlsruhe / NFDI4Culture), with Dr. Lisa Dieckmann (University of Cologne / prometheus e.V. / NFDI4Culture) as moderator.
- Registration is not required.
- You will receive further information on the event and the necessary access data via the website of the German Association for Art History. There is also the possibility to send your personal questions to the organisers in advance.
A joint event by: