Workshop | 16. June 2023
Workshop: Making Data Quality Tangible. Quality Criteria and Goals for Data Use

Textiles: a loom for carpet weaving, cutting with scissors
"Engraving with a loom for carpet weaving, cutting with scissors" Public Domain Mark Creator: Robert Benard
NFDI4Culture Task Areas "Standards, Data Quality, Curation" and "Cultural Research Data Academy" as well as the Documentation Section of the German Museums Association cordially invite you to the workshop Making Data Quality Tangible. Quality Criteria and Purposes of Data Use on June 16th 2023, 9 am - 1 pm (CET). The event will be held online and in German language. Participation is free of charge.
GLAM-institutions are increasingly interested in using descriptive metadata about their objects in new contexts, such as the creation of an online exhibition or collection presentation, participation in overarching portals, or making inventory data available via interfaces for (editorial) projects in the field of digital humanities, for visitor guides or other applications.
Against the background of an unbroken dynamic in the development of new possibilities in the field of digital knowledge sharing, the requirements of good scholarly practice or the opening up of extended usage scenarios based on the FAIR Principles, the question of sustainability is more than ever linked to data quality. In the context of research data, data quality has become a frequently discussed topic.
The workshop presents the different dimensions and manifestations of data quality. In particular, it will address the following questions: What are typical quality problems in object-based data and how can they be classified? What models, standards and strategies can be used to control the quality of one's own data collection? How can quality criteria, which are often complex and abstract, be broken down and prioritized in such a way that they become manageable in the context of concrete adaptation processes in institutions?
Participants of this course will formulate first steps for their own data management strategy in their institution. Based on the intended context of use, the most important points and adjusting screws for good data quality will be discussed.
- The challenge of data quality' and its importance for cultural heritage collections (C. Krause)
- What is data quality? And how can data quality be measured and controlled? Results from the KONDA project "Continuous quality management of dynamic research data on objects of material culture using the LIDO standard" [2019-2022] (J. Rössel)
- Presentation of test procedures for FAIR data; classification of quality problems and collection of methods and tools for their elimination (joint exercise)
- Creation of an analysis matrix according to different use scenarios for object data in collection institutions (work in groups)
- Questions, discussion and reflection
The event is primarily aimed at digital managers or digital curators for cultural heritage collections and related projects, as well as persons involved in process management, the development of digital collection strategies, data publication and consulting in these areas.
We look forward to a large attendance!
This workshop is part of the series Four steps to more sustainability. Data quality strategies for museums and collections. Information on the other workshops can be found here:
Workshop 2: Effective management for better data quality (focus on data management plans), June 23rd 2023, 9am-1pm, online.
Workshop 3: Setting the course for more quality: Structuring object-related information, using controlled vocabularies, June 30th 2023, 9am-1pm, online.
Workshop 4: Subsequent quality improvement: Analysing, cleaning and enriching data, July 7th 2023, 9am-1pm, online.
Julia Rössel (Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg)
The event will be chaired by Celia Krause and Angela Kailus (Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg).
Conference link
We will send you the conference link by email after registration.
If you have any questions, please contact: coordination-office(at)nfdi4culture(dot)de