Expert Working Group | 20. April 2021
First meeting of the Expert Forum „Sustainable Software Development in NFDI4Culture“

Wooden keyboard
"wooden computer keyboard and mouse" CC0 Creator: Ahsan Ali
On April 20, 2021, the first meeting of the „NFDI4Culture Expert Forum on Sustainable Software Development“ took place as a virtuel event. The Expert Forum constitutes an advisory council for the Task Area „Research Tools and Data Services“. It has twelve founding members from different research institutions in Germany and beyond who are experts in the area of software development with a special focus on Digital Humanities and the cultural heritage domain.
The first meeting served to introduce the members to each other. After that, the staff of the Task Area „Research Tools and Data Services“ gave introductory talks about NFDI4Culture, the Task Area in question as well as topics of sustainable software development (see the slides at These were discussed with the members of the Expert Forum in order to define priority areas for the future work of the Task Area. The Task Area „Research Tools and Data Services“ is happy about the active participation in this first event on sustainable software development in NFDI4Culture and the results of the fruitful discussions.