Set of tools on a wooden table

Set of tools

"Set of tools on a wooden table" Creator: danirodriguezfotografia

The third Community Forum "(Further) Development of Research Tools & Data Services" took place on 29 September 2023. As in the previous two years, the aim of the virtual forum event was to identify the needs of the community with regard to research tools and data services in discussion with researchers and members of the various professional societies.

During the period from 28 July to 29 August, funding proposals for the (further) development of projects and measures could be submitted from the members of our communities. Previously funded measures also had the opportunity to reapply.

Of the 15 measures submitted, 11 were nominated for the online event on 29 September (9–12 a.m.). They were discussed with the participants in three breakout rooms, further needs were formulated and comments, wishes and criticism were recorded on a prepared miro board.

The 11 projects presented were analysed over the following next two months – based on the results of the forum – and additional expert opinions were obtained. Ultimately, all 11 measures were proposed to the Culture Steering Board for funding.

We are very pleased to be able to support the following measures in the coming months:

  • Conversion MEI to MusicXML – metadata and music encoding, Prof. Dr. Axel Berndt (Universität Paderborn).
  • Development of an AI-based multi-lingual network analysis-tools to be used for research of media development and impact in European and non-European societies, Golnaz Sarkar Farshi (Institut für Film-,Theater-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft der Johannes Gutenberg-UniversitätMainz).
  • Dynamic scoring-up and display of early music in Verovio. Algorithms for processing and displaying mensural notation, Prof. Dr. Anna Plaksin (Universität Paderborn).
  • Updating and future-proofing the visual design system of Kompakkt through supporting multilingualism and landing pages for projects and institutions, Prof. Dr. Øyvind Eide (Institut für Digital Humanities der Universität zu Köln).
  • Text and Video Documentation for the Domestic Beethoven Annotator App. A linked-data-based annotation app for musical content, Mark Saccomano Ph. D. (Universität Paderborn).
  • Graphic Design History Database (GERD) Upgrade by enriching the database with additional data records and improving functionality, Prof. Brian Switzer, (HTWG Konstanz).
  • Annotationsdaten aus dem zeitgenössischen Tanz erhalten und erweitern: Migration der Daten der Forsythe Company und des Motion Bank Projekts 2008–2023 by updating and standardising the formats of annotations, Prof. Florian Jenett; David Rittershaus; Anton Koch (Hochschule Mainz).
  • Extending Wikibase with terminology capabilities to meet the needs of NFDI4Culture stakeholders through the integration of Antelope (annotation, terminology search and personalisation), Dr. Lozana Rossenova (TIB Hannover); Jeroen De Dauw (Professional Wiki, Berlin).
  • Facepager for NFDI. Expansion and improvement of the didactic tool Facepager to simplify learning how to handle data and data interfaces, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jakob Jünger (Universität Münster).
  • Opening up the source holdings of Ottoman art music and its composers and lyricists via data mapping to RISM, musiconn and GND, Dr. Michael Kaiser und Dr. Sven Gronemeyer (Max Weber Stiftung); Prof. Dr. Ralf Martin Jäger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster).
  • Conserve, improve, reuse – a sustainable future for the WissKI of the project Annotated Corpus of Ancient West Asian Imagery: Cylinder Seals (ACAWAI-CS), Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger (Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, FU Berlin).
    ! Addendum, 2024-06-19: This measure for the cylinder seals cannot be carried out by the applicant, which is why no funding is provided.

A total of € 120.000 will be funded in 2024 to further develop these projects. Over four years, a total of approximately € 400.000 will be distributed to NFDI4Culture communities through the annual "(Further) Development of Research Tools & Data Services" forum.