NFDI4Culture Metadata API

Metadata of all resources as Linked Open Data

Persistent Identifier: <>

User Story 13

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nfdicore : Resource
User Story 13

As an organologist, I produce diverse research data, primarily with regard to material and digital objects (musical instruments, sound information/sound carriers, models/simulations, AR/VR artefacts), secondarily but also relevant for this data's contexts (e.g. for persons, corporations, places,events, things, works or titles, for example text-based data, annotations, vidual and audio/video media, dimension series, control information, visualizations, augmented/virtual reality applications, descriptive metadata). As digitalisation progresses, the artifacts show a growing complexity (e.g. through the multiple combination of different types of digital representations). For an efficient knowledge transfer I need an accessible database with the possibility to reference persistently in different stages of my research process.
