Culture Knowledge Graph

The Culture Knowledge Graph aims to be a connector for all research data produced within the NFDI4Culture subject areas.

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Abstract painting by artist Vasily Kandinsky from 1923.

Vasily Kandinsky, Komposition 8

"Abstract painting by artist Vasily Kandinsky from 1923."

The Culture Knowledge Graph aims to be a connector for all research data produced within the NFDI4Culture research landscape, improving the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of cultural heritage data within the 4Culture Domain. As a central access point, the Culture Knowledge Graph integrates data provided by NFDI4Culture itself and by the addressed research communities as fully fledged Linked Open Data, multiple communtiy standards, APIs and structured data based on the Culture Graph Interchange Format (CGIF). We use W3C standard technologies and standard metadata formats already recognised by the cultural community, as well as the NFDIcore ontology designed based on the needs of the consortia of the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) along with the NFDI4Culture Ontology module (see Knowledge Graph-based research data integration in NFDI4Culture).

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