Culture Knowledge Base

The NFDI4Culture Knowledge Base contains guidelines, reports, and specifications by the task areas of the consortium covering all aspects of research data management in the domain of material and immaterial cultural heritage. Additionally, we provide you with curated link recommendations to high quality open educational resources.

Popular keywords:

Documenting 3 Items

Data Curation Profile

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The publication by Jake Carlson provides instructions on how to use the so-called "toolkit" for documenting research data, as well as templates and examples compiled for free use by Purdue University in the US.

Read (de)

Data Curation Profiles Toolkit – User Guide

Link Recommendation
Language(s): English

The publication by Jake Carlson provides instructions on how to use the so-called "toolkit" for documenting research data, as well as templates and examples compiled for free use by Purdue University in the US.

Read (en)

Data Documentation

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The site provides detailed information on why, how and which research data should be documented in accordance with the FAIR criteria, with regard to formats, vocabularies, languages, protocols, repositories, persistent identifications.

Read (de)

Organizing 1 Items

Data Life Cycle

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

The article provides an overview of the data lifecycle and its individual stages.

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Overarching topics 1 Items

Research Data in Cultural Studies – an introduction

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Martin Albrecht-Hohmaier, Katharina Bergmann, Christoph Eggersglüß, Andrea Polywka, Alexander Stark
Version: 1.0.1

A basic introduction to research data management in the arts, cultural studies and humanities, with explanations for the most important concepts, standards and tools.


Planning 1 Items

Guideline for the sustainable development and use of research software

NFDI4Culture Guideline
Author(s): Daniel Jettka, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Aleksander Marčić, Anne Ferger
Version: 1.1.0

How can software be developed, offered and used in such a way that it itself and the research results produced with it remain sustainably available in the sense of the FAIR criteria and can be re-used as far as possible?


Data sharing & publishing 1 Items

Checklist for appropriate handling of research data

Link Recommendation
Language(s): German

This DFG questionnaire helps researchers to plan and describe the handling of research data in their project beyond the context of an application.

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