Participating Specialised Information Services
The DFG-funded Specialised Information Services (FIDs) are important partners in the collaborative network for developing a national research data infrastructure. They provide a powerful information structure for their respective subject communities and are actively involved in the strategic and planning processes of the NFDI consortia, in particular through their many years of experience and strong roots within their disciplines.

FID Network NFDI4Culture
"Graphical representation of the Specialised Information Service network for art and cultural studies." CC BY 4.0 Creator: Maria Chistyakova, Torsten Schrade
Cooperation with NFDI4Culture
NFDI4Culture closely collaborates with the Specialised Information Services funded by the DFG in the cultural sciences and humanities, whose disciplines research tangible and intangible cultural assets.
Founded in 2023, the Network Arts & Culture (Coordination: Maria Effinger) is an association of Specialised Information Services with a focus on the arts and cultural studies. By bringing in the perspective of each subject area, the aim of the network is to coordinate the collaboration in the FID system as well as within the NFDI. – Specialised Information Service Art, Photography, Design
Partner of NFDI4Culture since October 2020
The Specialised Information Service Art, Photography, Design develops innovative digital tools and supports art historians in publishing and archiving their research results and research data open access. Additionally, its web portal provides access to art historical literature, digital source…
FID Media
FID Media – Specialised Information Service Communication and Media Studies
Partner of NFDI4Culture since October 2020
With its extensive experience in managing and indexing audio visual data, the Specialised Information Service (SIS) for Communication and Media Studies, now called FID Media, is an important contributor to the NFDI4Culture consortium. With the merger of and media/rep/ into the new FID…
musiconn – Specialised Information Service Musicology
Partner of NFDI4Culture since October 2020
musiconn, the Specialised Information Service Musicology, has a strong link to its community and is therefore essential to fostering the exchange with researchers, all along keeping with its motto "for networked musicology". With the central information portal for music, it provides access to…

FID Philosophy
Philportal – Specialised Information Service Philosophy
Partner of NFDI4Culture since February 2023
As a central information portal for philosophical research, the Specialised Information Service Philosophy offers its community extensive literature research options as well as publication services and a variety of digital tools for academic research. Within the Network Arts & Culture, the SIS…
Specialised Information Service Performing Arts
Partner of NFDI4Culture since October 2020
By expanding the areas of research, data optimisation and networking, the Specialised Information Service Performing Arts seeks to strengthen the interests of theatre and dance studies within the academic system in the long term. Within NFDI4Culture, the exchange with the professional community is…
Former Cooperation
Likewise closely, NFDI4Culture collaborated – also within the Network Arts & Culture – with the following DFG-funded Specialised Information Services for the cultural sciences and humanities.
FID BAUdigital
FID BAUdigital – Specialised Information Service Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Studies
Partner of NFDI4Culture October 2020 - March 2024
The Specialised Information Service BAUdigital was a DFG-funded project (2020-2023). It represented the fields of civil engineering, architecture and urban studies (urban planning) with a focus on digital methods and technologies. Together with NFDI4Culture, BAUdigital worked on improving research…