News Item | 13. June 2022
Culture Portal 1.3: Knowledge Graph v.1.0 & Repository Overview
By Prof. Torsten Schrade and Linnaea Söhn, M. A.

NFDI4Culture Knowledge Graph
"Visualization of the NFDI4Culture Knowledge Graph" CC-BY Creator: Torsten Schrade, Owner: NFDI4Culture
The latest version of the NFDI4Culture Portal has been released on 07/06/2022, introducing some exciting new features. A brief look at two major modules of this release illustrates the portal's progressive development into a digital cultural data hub.
The Culture Knowledge Graph rests on the NFDI4Culture Ontology, which is also available in the first version. Collaboratively curated through the Culture Research Information System the first 660 resources have been integrated and described with about 10,000 triples. These include 180 institutions and organizations (co-applicants, participants, collaborating partners), 217 individuals associated with NFDI4Culture, all news articles, events, and reports published to date since the start of the project, initial infrastructure contributions and services from consortium partners (such as the research data repositories curated by Task Area 4), and classifications for media types and academic disciplines. All content of the Knowledge Graph as well as the Culture Ontology is fully curated online via the portal's underlying content management system. The Linked Data Extension for TYPO3 is used for this purpose.
All NFDI4Culture resources are offered as Linked Open Data via a standardized API in open formats (e.g. Turtle, JSON-LD etc.). The API of the portal follows a REST architecture, which is semantically described by the Hydra specification of the Hydra W3C Community Group for accessing clients. At the same time, all resources are also version controlled and regularly updated via a Git repository for download as a data dump.
A public SPARQL endpoint allows direct query and export of the data along the SPARQL 1.1 standard. For example, all research data repositories described in the Knowledge Graph can be filtered out or all partners of NFDI4Culture with their different roles and mappings to Wikidata can be displayed. The new open source software oxigraph is used as triple store.
The Culture Knowledge Graph is continuously enriched with further resources and functionally extended.
Another new addition to the portal is an overview of repositories. Repositories are storage locations for digital research results and research data. Under Resources/Repositories users of the portal will find an overview of subject-specific and generic repositories for the 4Culture community which offer sustainable publication and archiving solutions for humanities and cultural research data in different media formats.