Publication & Availability
Data publication and data availability
With a view on the current service portfolio, the forum events offer a platform for repository providers and scholars alike to exchange expertise, share experiences and collectively identify requirements and gaps within existing infrastructures for publishing and preserving research outputs. Through this collaborative approach, we aim to establish standards that can be adopted across the NFDI4Culture community.
The consulting agency ensures expert support for researchers at all stages of the publication process in compliance with the FAIR principles, thereby focusing on enhanced publications and their archiving. We further advise regarding trustworthy repositories and services which are tailored to the needs of specific research disciplines.
We will provide reusable reference implementations for service providers, ensuring that researchers in all disciplines addressed by NFDI4Culture have access to high quality publication and archiving solutions. Furthermore, we encourage and support repository providers to apply for certification of their service, thus increasing and promoting trust in their solutions.
The repository overview provides a selection of data services for the 4Culture community. In order to provide a free service for publishing and archiving research data across all NFDI4Culture communities, the repository RADAR4Culture was set up. It enables all researchers in the field of cultural heritage to publish any data type and format independent of institutional affiliation.
We develop methods for the preservation of composite (multimodal) digital objects in close collaboration with national and international stakeholders. In addition, we will define cost and operating models for preservation services. Our aim is to refine digital preservation methods, particularly for enhanced publications, 3D objects and annotated AV media.
Research Outputs
Use Cases
- Windows on data: How the Corpus Vitrearum integrates valuable research data on medieval stained glass into NFDICulture
- Gutenberg goes Culture: How the Gutenberg Museum benefits from NFDI4Culture's expertise and offerings during its digitization campaign
- Guidelines for Research Data Management of Cultural Data: Community Contributions
- Creative Collaboration Opens New Dimensions in Research: The Cross-NFDI Hackathon 2022
Publications, Slides, Blogposts, etc.
- Instruction Manual: RADAR4Culture: Quickstart-Guide für Datengeberinnen und Datengeber [deutsch]
- Guideline: RADAR4Culture: Handreichung zu personenbezogenen Daten [deutsch]
- Presentation: Forschungsdaten im Bereich Darstellende Kunst / Theaterwissenschaft. Inszenierungsdaten am Beispiel Theatermobilität
- Conference Poster: Baroque TOC: Publishing from Collections Using Computational Publishing and Linked Open Data
- Report: Digitale Publikationen im Kulturbereich: Beispiele und Eigenschaften – Umfrageergebnisse aus der NFDI4Culture Community
- Report: Digital Publications in Culture: Examples and Key Features – Survey Results from the NFDI4Culture Community (English Version)
- Conference Poster: media/rep/ - Repositorium für Medienwissenschaft
- Conference Poster: RADAR4Culture [Poster, deutsch]
- Conference Poster: Repositorien für die 4Culture-Community: Daten zu materiellen und immateriellen Kulturgütern in verschiedenen Medienformaten nachhaltig publizieren und archivieren
- Presentation: Repositorien für die 4Culture-Community: Publizieren und Archivieren (Kunstgeschichte und Architektur, Musikwissenschaften, Darstellende Künste, Medienwissenschaften)
- Conference Poster: WissKI - Wissenschaftliche Kommunikationsinfrastruktur
- Conference Paper: WissKI. A Virtual Research Environment based on Drupal
- Website: WissKI Website
- Blog Post: Semantic Publishing: The Future Open Textbook – a Contribution to NFDI4Culture
- Blog Post: Große Resonanz auf ersten NFDI-weiten Wikibase-Workshop am 23. Februar 2021
- Conference Poster: Baroque AI
- Report: 3D Digitisation and Preservation – Survey Results from the NFDI4Culture Community
Expert Working Group
4. Network Meeting of the WissKI Community
Expert Working Group
Expert Forum Data Publication and Availability #2: Long-term preservation
Expert Working Group